What's the average wait time on a Form 4 SBR paperwork these days?


New member
Before the explosion of gun control and panic buying, I remember reading it usually was anywhere between 6-8 months, you had some of the odd balls out there that could take up to a year, varying from state to state.

I'm looking at potentially investing into a short barreled rifle in the near future, and was debating if it would be wise to start the paperwork now rather than later. I have the start of the build I'd like to do (the receiver only) and figured that until I have the rest of the parts, I'd like to register the receiver, so that I'm not biting my nails as I have to let a completed gun sit in pieces simply because I don't have legal permission to assemble it into an SBR.

There were a few here that if I recall were still waiting after nearly a year and a half after sandyhook, despite the fact that they submitted their paperwork prior to that horribly tragic day.
Im waiting now

Im confused...
If you are making the Rifle then you need to do a form 1 not a 4. Form 4's are to transfer existing NFA items. Form 1's are to make new NFA items.

Are you making the SBR? It sounds like you are. If so, form 1.

I did an Eform application form 1 on Dec 1 and hope to have it back middle of next month. Folks are saying Eforms are turning around in about 100 days. Paper is taking almost a year
Paper forms are right at 10 months right now. I'm seeing stuff submitted in April of 2013 being returned the last couple of weeks.

Ah my mistake there, yes I need a form 1. I'm creating an SBR, derp moment there mixing up the two forms.

10 months eh? not bad I suppose, plenty of time to save up ammo as well.