What's on your wish list?

I've already got all of the 'practical' handguns that I would ever use for defense... and yet, I still want more. I log into Gunbroker every night before going to sleep, hoping to find just the right gun at just the right price.

What's on your list? What are you willing to pay for it?

1. Walther PPK .32 ACP, $500. I know, I know, the .32's are really hard to find, I'll never find one for under $500... but a man can dream, can't he? None of that PPK/S baloney, either - I want either a true PPK or nothing.
2. CZ-75B, $325. This is meant to be a project gun - I want a beat up surplus gun (but with a good bore) that I can upgrade with CGW parts and send to Robar for refinishing. Unfortunately, I just haven't been able to find the right balance between beat-to-heck and cheap - all of the sufficiently beat up guns I've seen were asking for $400 or more. Considering a new 75B sells for $525, I just don't understand why anyone would pay that much for a used model.
3. Beretta 84BB, $300. CDI Sales actually has plenty of these at the price/quality level I want. Ironically, that just means I'm holding off on buying one in the hopes that I can get one of my other choices first. Anyway, this is another project gun, though assuming it shoots well, I only plan to refinish the surface and replace the grips, rather than upgrading the internals like with the CZ. I prefer the look of the trigger guard on the F or FS model, but prefer the BB because it can be kept cocked & locked.
4. Smith & Wesson Model 19, 4" barrel, $500. I've come really close a few times, but inevitably any gun in good enough condition gets bid up past the $600 mark. I know the 66 is really the exact same gun, but... I still want a 19.
5. Browning Hi-Power, $400. I understand why new ones are expensive, but there are so many surplus models floating around out there that I just don't think it's worth paying a premium for one.
Well, based on many hours of reading on "Walther Forums", my possible wish for either a Pre-S&W stainless steel (Interarms).32 Auto or .380 PPK appears to be too expensive or too hard to find, if not both.

My first PPK (.380) acquired two weeks ago - dated to '80 - reportedly would suffer loss of nice bluing finish from sweat during summer carry.
I couldn't list them all if I wanted to because of my 'seegun' affliction, but near the top of the list would be a Star Megastar 10mm w/Starvel finish. Certainly not practical, but I've five other Star handguns that just need it's company to complete my mini 'late model' Star collection. It is a shame to me that the company closed its doors in the 90s as I'd have loved to see what they would be producing today.
Like Turkeestalker, I have several on "the list"...Some are handguns, some are rifles.

But what currently holds the top few spots:

-Smith m57, nickel finish. Still undecided on bbl length. Nice ones are hard to find much under 8 or 900 bucks.
-Smith m629 Classic, 5" bbl. $750
-Smith m686, 4" bbl. $650
-Winchester m92 in 44mag. That's going to run me about a G-note.
-Henry Big Boy 44mag. $800
-Winchester m70 FW in 300WM $800
-Winchester m54 in -06 or 270. $800-$1000

Little at a time... ;)
I would have to say that I've already owned at one time or another most guns that were on my wish list. All were what you might call classic firearms. I started with a Mauser C96, then on to a Luger, a Browning Hi-Power, then another one and so on. I had a S&W Model 39, a Model 65LS, a pre-war Registered .357 Magnum, a Colt Single Action Army, three or four Colt Government Models and .38 Supers, a lightweight Commander and a lightweight Officer's ACP as well as a lightweight PPK in .32 ACP. I had a pre-war .380 Colt Model 1909 as well as a Savage .32. Had a very late production No. 4 Lee-Enfield and a No. 4 Sniper version (complete with crate), etc., etc. But what happens is that once they get sold or traded off so I can satisfy another fancy, they sort of go back on the list.

Some new guns come along and then disappear before I even have a chance to acquire one. I almost can't believe I never owned an S&W Model 60 with a five inch barrel but I had a Model 640, I think it was, with a 3-inch barrel.

I'm trying not to wish for much anymore.
Sig 556 with swiss lower
S&W 627 8-shot .357 2.6"
STI GP 6....or 5
Korth .357 4" revolver
G.R.A.D. Knife pistol
Braverman / Stinger pen gun
Borchardt C-93
Bren Ten
Other weird stuff:D

On the OP's #2. CZ-75B, $325. . Don't buy a beat up one. For a little more you can get a really nice one, if you are patient and keep looking. I recently bought a LNIB CZ 75B hig-polish blued for $450. Since it was a local find, and I did a ftf - no transfer, shipping, etc.
On the OP's #2. CZ-75B, $325. . Don't buy a beat up one. For a little more you can get a really nice one, if you are patient and keep looking. I recently bought a LNIB CZ 75B hig-polish blued for $450. Since it was a local find, and I did a ftf - no transfer, shipping, etc.

I have a sliding scale on wear vs price, but I'd really rather buy cheap and restore it. I've gotten comfortable enough working on my other CZs that I feel pretty good about my chances with anything short of hand-fitting a new sear (which shouldn't be necessary on anything but a spectacularly messed up gun).

I think I care more about working on the gun than having the gun. I want to take a crappy gun and make it shine again rather than just polishing up something that already works fine.

The first time I cracked open one of my CZ's, I lost an l-spring and spent two days trying to put the freaking decocker assembly back together, and I loved it. (Well, I loved it after I was done; I believe I muttered more than a few choice words during the process...). I want to try something a little more ambitious this time.
I want to try something a little more ambitious this time.

Not to get this off track, but I just made a new thread about a beater-Python - now that would be a good project gun if you are good at refinishing/polishing/bluing metal!
A 445 Super Mag from Dan Wesson, but the last one I saw sold was going for $1200. I'm thinking of going with a Thompson Contender with the 445 barrel though.
I would really like to have a guide gun, maybe Marlin, in 45-70. I have no idea how much it would be

Also, I would like to have a Ruger Vaquero 44 mag 5 1/2 inch barrel. Had one many years ago and liked it
Tristar P120... Been wanting a CZ SP01, and for my purpose, a range toy, this is a great gun at a lower price.
Taurus 992... (kinda, sorta on hold with rumors of a 5" 22 LR Ruger GP100, or possibly LCRx 3" 22)
Ruger Charger Takedown.... (waiting for a synthetic stock model) Just don't care for the green and tan laminated stock.
Kel Tec P32..... Don't know why, just want one.
SAR k2....High capacity 45 acp CZ copy at a reasonable price. Been reading great reviews.
Well, there's the top five short list.*

*(Choices may chang due to whim, availability, or mood):D:D:D
Nighthawk T3 has been at the top of my list for a long time. A RIA .22tcm is on the short list, as well as a HK VP9 and a .300blk pistol for the squad car.

Cheapshooter, I can vouch for the Sar K2-45! Only reason I don't carry it on duty anymore is the weight. Also, the Mec-Gar mags seemed a bit weak after staying fully loaded for extended periods of time. They never failed, just felt and acted weak. Drop one round and they were just fine. Only complaint I have about my Sar.
I own four of the five on your list and got all of them for less than your listed prices. Just be patient and it will happen.

I've gotten pretty much all of the ones I seriously wanted. A "Red Nine" Mauser broomhandle would be very cool. Does anyone know anything about parts availability for those?

I don't have a PPK, but there are Eastern European "near clones" that are reliable and inexpensive.
• Sig P250 for sure, and possibly the P320, P229R DAK, and P239 DAK also.
• Beretta PX4 SC.
• (Another) Gen 4 Glock 19.
• (Another) CZ P-07 Duty.
On the browning hi-point. If you ever have had one in your pocket you'll know that the safety switches off and it half or full cock's itself... Every time
I'm an old guy and like wheelguns as well as semiautos. Of my last 10 handgun purchases , 8 have been poly semiautos and two were 1911s. So it's times for some revolvers:

New production Colt Gen3 SAA (.45 or .357) BCCH
Ruger New Vaquero .357 GSS
Ruger Super Blackhawk (blue) .44 Mag
Ruger GP100 4" .357
North American Sidewinder .22 Mag
S&W Model 69 .44 Mag
Colt Series 70 1911 .45ACP
Kahr CW9

All new - I rarely buy used.
My list*

Walther PPQ M2 9mm
Ruger SP101 2.25" .357 Mag
Ruger GP100 4" Half-lug .357 Mag

*At least as it stands this week. Who knows what I'll find the next time I wander into my LGS
Love guns...Taurus Curve if it makes it and probably build another AR because I have so many parts around.
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