What's more Concealable? J-frame or P-11


New member
I recently acquired a conceal license. I am now entertaining different thoughts about guns to carry. I like both the S&W J-frames and the Kel-Tec P-11. Obviously the P-11 has a larger and boxier grip. I am wanting to carry on my hip with a strong side belt holster. Will the P-11 be more detectible? Will it cause my t-shirt to "hang" on the larger, double stack grip. Is the boxier shape of the P-11 easier to identify? Concealability is a little more important to me than the P-11's increased firepower. What is your opinion?
PS- is Captain John Park still around?
Dear Friend,

Having tried both, I know that IWB the revolver is less likely to print, because as you said, only the grip sticks out of the waistband, wherears with the P-11, there is a big hunk of double-stack magazine grip sticking out. How about this: when concealability is paramount, like at work or church, just take along your P-32. Then, when extreme concealability is not the biggest issue, like at the store or mall or while traveling, go with the P-11 IWB and the P-32 in your pocket.


P.S. Are you going to be around home for Christmas?

Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
I would have to humble and respectfully disagree.
The P-11 is MUCH flatter than the revolver and it fits in my pocket much easier.

Granted, I do not have Eagle SS half grips on my revolver, which would help it conceal. But, the revolver is much thicker all around due to the cylindar, and the P-11 is just more compact.
The P-11 clips on my shorts much easier due to it's flatness and it just carries better all around.

Mine is just one opinion of many...
I own a Taurus 85 and owned a p11 as my first gun. The Tqaurus is SOOOO much easier to hide. In addition the p11 misfired or jammed every third shot. My buddy's p40 actually fell apart during the first magazine. The 2" snubs aren't quite as sexy but if you pull the trigger 5 times you can bet it'll go bang 5 times.
My $.02
I have a Model 36 J Frame with the original
wooden grips.I carry it in a Mitch Rosen
holster and hardly know it's there.The only
thing to be aware of is that if it has to
come out in a hurry the hammer can snag--I
put my thumb over it as I draw.
I've always been suspicious of auto's--no
matter what anybody says.