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"Psychiatrist Legally Amasses Huge Gun Arsenal

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A Philadelphia psychiatrist, who is reportedly legally blind, legally amassed an arsenal of 287 assault rifles, shotguns and pistols plus 50,000 rounds of ammunition, police said Saturday.

Investigators seized the guns and ammunition this week from Dr. John Ingui's two apartments in an upscale city high-rise but later declared the collection to be perfectly legal and put its value at $300,000.

Ingui, 46, described by local press reports as being blind, was not available for comment.

Among the collection the psychiatrist is now expected to get back are 61 assault rifles, including 29 AK-47s, and 150 semiautomatic pistols, including a number of powerful Desert Eagle handguns.

The firearms came to the attention of police after Ingui's landlord spotted the guns.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Ingui was about to be evicted from his city apartments and that he faces liens from state tax collectors and the Internal Revenue Service. "

What's going on here??? Someone sees you with guns and then LE gets to take them away? At least he got them back.
Yup, that's right, your 4th amendment rights are no longer valid either!

Out in Kali (here we go again) in Sacramento, the city is voting on seizing the vehicles of "johns" that they are in when soliciting Prostitutes.

Now, personally, I think that what these guys are doing isn't very morally right, BUT, I think that if it's against the law to solicit, then you should go to jail... Anything else is revocation of other civil rights on a unilateral basis.

If you are stopped and have a "large" amount of cash on you (as defined by the "arresting" officer) you will go to jail, your ar will be seized, the money will be seized and you will be charges with some crime related to dealing in drugs or money laundering. If you manage to prove your inoccence, good luck getting your car and money returned. This is all a result of our "War on Drugs".

Btw, the LE Agency gets a cut of all monies seized to put into thier budget, so it's a revenue generater for them

This guy is just darn lucky he's getting them back!
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 14, 1999).]
The east coast should be put with California.
My arrest 2 weeks ago (which was discussed in this group) gave me a real wake-up call. Not because of why I was arrested but because of the threats and coercion they tried to use on me. I really think it's to late to wake the masses.

"Solidarity is the Key"
A Philadelphia psychiatrist, who is reportedly legally blind, legally amassed an arsenal of 287 assault rifles,... Among the collection the psychiatrist is now expected to get back are 61 assault rifles...

Well, that's one clueless reporter. Can't even be consistent on whether the guy had 287 "assault rifles" or 61, especially since the whole collection was declared legal and thus must be returned.
I noticed that news blurb on PointCast. You can bet the LEO's recorded every serial number, and that practice is outrageous. Don't tell me they only figured out there was no legal basis for seizure until after they had already seized the firearms. And, as I consider the article further, I suspect this is simply part of the 'next one' on the list - 'caches' of firearms. So, let me see - they 'don't want to take away the guns', but they want to:
1. Limit the number of firearms you may own / possess;
2. Limit the amount of ammunition your firearm may hold;
3. Limit the type of ammunition you may possess or purchase;
4. Prevent certain people from having firearms (including anyone with a misdemeanor);
5. Prohibit certain features on firearms (flash suppressor, bayonet lug, etc.)
6. Restrict how and where you can carry a firearm;
7. License firearms owners;
8. License the firearms themselves;
9. Record / register ammunition buyers, especially by mail and over the Internet;
10. Prohibit the importation of various firearms and components;
11. Require registration of all firearms transactions, even between private parties.

I'm sure I've left some proposals out. But, at least they don't want to take the guns away, they recognize our right to self defense, they certainly don't want to offend hunters (oh - I forgot to mention the problem with 'sniper rifles'), and they just want some 'reasonable restrictions on firearms. Right. ;)

For new TFL members or 'lurkers', I assure you that the above list is an accurate (albeit assuredly incomplete) rendition of various proposals at the federal and state levels. Many have actually been introduced as legislation (many already signed into law), while others are simply part of the platform for various anti-self defense groups. Evey one of these proposals can be documented.

More lies and deceit.
Indeed his fourth amendment rights appear to have been clearly violated. A search is not "reasonable" unless there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, and there is reasonably believed to be evidence of the crime within the place to be searched. Here, the second part is not a problem if the first is met, but the first, whether a crime has been committed at all, is lacking, unless the police possessed some specific piece of evidence that indicated that the guns the landlord saw were NOT legal. This sounds like a totally illegal search to me.