What's in the Pot


I haven't poured bullets in three maybe four years. Last ones were .45, now I've a pot of lead/allory, not for sure. Can you tell me how to determine the contents?
Could be almost anything from range lead to Linotype. Most likely it is probably WW but no way to tell by looking. You could pour it up in ingots and check with your scrap dealers to see if the do XRF test and have it checked. That's about the only way.

Hope that helps.
Wheel Weight for sure. I did that but I believe I added solder. I guess it won't matter. It's just for target??? I'm making an assumption here. Thanks for your comments
If a person were shooting modern rifles with cast lead bullets to achieve top accuracy, then the alloy (hardness) matters. However, if shooting just handguns at common handgun ranges at moderate velocity, I personally do not care when the alloy is as long as it casts well.