What's going on with FOUP?


New member
I haven't heard much about this in quite a while. Any update on it? How far away from the fundraising target are we? Thanks.


Deo Vindice
Senator last i heard it was going quite slow.
you'd think w/ over 1500 members on this forum alone that the money would be there, but as of the last time i ask about it, it wasn't..

what me worry?
I haven't seen _anything_ on this site about FOUP. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places...but nobody's making the right place obvious.

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 28, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 28, 1999).]
Not sure About Rich, But I have been offline for the last week, for the IMCS.

FOUP is floundering.

Not only did we not get the initial support we had hoped for, but follow up support has been minimal at best.

This past weekend we exposed over 100 shooters, including some industry leaders from around the country to FOUP and it was well recieved, but we'll see if any checks show up in the mail next week.
I think Ewok is right. There are alot of new members here and they never saw the discussion that led up to FOUP.
Also, there is no banner on the main page here for FOUP like there is on GlockTalk. New members that come here don't see anything about it until someone brings it up.
In the recent past, I have explained FOUP iun response to comments like the ones in this thread.

FOUP is on its last legs, but I will post one more thread explaining it, with a link to the text of the statement.

I would encourage all the current supporters to participate in the thread, add the reasons that they are supporters and encourage others to participate.

Unless we get a significant influx of money in the next two weeks (five figures) The FOUP project will be discontinued.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 30, 1999).]