What's best earmuffs for trap?


New member
I'd guess they'd have to be pretty slim.

Googling finds some but the foam plugs have a higher NRR.

Thanks. :)
ears age. change shape. molds will no longer fit. ive been using foamy's for over 40 years now. cheap, work, allows me to buy more ammo! :>
I shoot sporting clays and use the nice large either Peltor or Howard Leight electronic ones. Neither hit the stock and I can hear everything going on around me.

classic EAR foamy inserts work best.

heck, if its good enough around military jets.....itll do for shooting.

Except they're not good enough around jets - those folks wear some serious muffs; if you do not protect the mastoid area around your ear from the vibrations, that will hasten hearing loss.