Whatever happened to...

Ken O

New member
the revolvers chambered in 45-70? About ten years ago there were three outfits making them, I remember drewling just looking at them at gun shows. Century Arms was one, dont remember the rest. Anyone have one?
I believe Magnum Research still makes one in their single action BFR (Biggest, Finest, Revolver or Big Flippin Revolver if you like) line.
Back in maybe '89 or '90 I handled a Phelps in that chambering. I think it was a five shot and I was amazed I could actually point it with one hand. Nice gun. Looked like something Yosemite Sam would carry a pair of! Gotta hurt when it goes off. Thats probably why they are so rare.
Part of the reason they aren't more popular may be that they are huge, heavy, unweildly guns compared to a standard size gun, and there really isn't any great performance advantage in that cartridge in a pistol. You can get the same, or better, performance (similar bullet weights at similar or higher velocities) in a 475 or 500 Linebaugh, 475 or 500 Maximum, or 454 Casull without the weight/size penalty of a 45-70 revolver. The 475/500 Linebaughs are exactly the same size guns as a 44 mag or 45 Colt with more power. The new 500 S&W also makes the 45-70 revolver pretty impractical. The point of a pistol is handiness, an extra heavy, extra large pistol almost negates the point of carrying a pistol, with no advantage to be gained.

The tests from the Linebaugh seminars show the heavy loaded 45 Colt, and similar rounds penetrate as much or more test medium as many heavy rifle calibers.

The 45-70 revolvers seem like more of a novelty than a practical gun.
actually I finally got to shoot a BFR in 45-70. What a great gun. Actually the balance seemed fine to me, they arent all that heavy either. The gun was pretty accurate...more accurate than I'll ever be with it. The 45-70 recoiled less than full power loads through my .454 Casull too. Granted these were lower end loads but they were quite nice. The recoil is different too in that instead of a snap like the .454 has the 45-70 was more of a push. Theres no doubt the BFR in 45-70 or .444 Marlin would be great guns for deer (at reasonable handgun distances) and for those who hunt hogs it would probably be good for that too, I hear you can do amazing things with the 405 gr bullets :) The only bad thing is....now that I shot one, I WANT ONE BAD!!! but I just got laid off so I cant get one until I find me another job. Not only that but its just so hard deciding between the BFR in 45-70, .444 Marlin or picking up a S&W 500 or 460:D
Some people have pistol caliber rifles that match a revolver they own like the .44M .45colt etc.
Well, I have a 1895 Marlin 45-70 rifle, so I need a revolver to match...makes sense to me.
I have a real fondness for the 45-70.