What would you take??

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, as I pack this afternoon for my trip North, I realized that I have a bit of a problem. In fact, I have been mulling this over for a couple weeks, but now I must make a decision.

Remember, regardless of how long this thread lasts, I'll only be able to factor in ideas from the next 24 hours or so....

Imagine you have several weapons fitting into each general category that you could take with you for a 6 month trip. The trip will include access to a range, exposure to tactical training (rifle, carbine, pistol), hunting season, and social shooting opportunities.

Obviously, I will have a issued pistol and pump shotgun. But I will not be carrying the issued pistol off duty.

Keep in mind that it is entirely likely that I will not return home until after the dreaded Y2K.. while I am not really into the theory that all hell is going to break loose, I was a Boy Scout and you know what they say.....

Also, keep in mind that I will be living in a Holiday Inn, and have evenings and weekends free, but be on a predictable daytime schedule.

I am considering very seriously bringing one of those lightwieght sears/walmart type gun safes with me.

So, the question is, if you were in this position, what guns would you bring?

Carrying? Back-up? Plinking? Hunting? Y2K?
In the order listed (i.e., carrying first): Glock 21, S&W centennial of some kind, S&W 617, Win 70 in .30-06, and AR-15 and Benelli M1 Tactical M for y2k.
BTW- I wasn;t really as interested in specific weapon types, but more how many actual guns would you take into that situation.

At this point, I am planning on bringing my regular preferred carry gun and backup.
Also, a .22lr for plinking and possibly a revolver for carry while hunting or as an uber-reliable type weapon in an emergency.

I will definitely bring my Scout, for hunting and emergency use.

That's 7 guns already, counting the two I'll be issued.

Do I bring the AR? Do I bring the Benelli? Should I feel comfortable bringing a couple other handguns for range time?

How much "reserve" ammo should I have on hand?

Remeber this is a hotel room!

Seems like you've got all the bases covered...I think I'd bring a shotgun (the Benelli would do just fine) as well.

How much ammo/extra magazines? Probably 4 to 6 mags for each semi-auto, three speed loaders for revolvers...probably 100 rds for each handgun...the same for the Scout...no more than 50 for the shotgun.

Why those quantities? I don't know...they seem to be adequate and barring a "Y2K disaster", you'll be able to replace what you shoot up on the range.

I doubt I'd bring the AR...the Scout and Benilli should handle everything you want to do.

Regards, Mike
Since your already going to have your duty handgun and shotgun. I presume something like a Glock and an 870 or 500. I would look only at a couple more. Since you said you are taking your Scout (if its a Styer Scout I envy you) no need for another rifle like an AR. A .22rf would be a great idea but I would probably go with a pistol over a rifle. Lastly Yeah baby....gotta have a revolver, got a SS 4" barrel laying around the house ? Lets see, my math says that's 5 guns. One center fire semi auto pistol, one pump 12 ga, one centerfire rifle, one rimfire handgun, and one centerfire revolver. I'd say that with those guns you'd have everything covered, 'cept maybe a stampede of maurauding Elephants ;-) BTW I think the safe in the hotel room is a GREAT idea.
Another Rob

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
The duty gun will be a Beretta 92..so it is out for concealed carry. It will switch to a Full size USP some time this fall, which will similarly be out.
Id say take the AR with some low caps and high caps both, it covers all your bases with the right ammo for each. Of course, I'm probably a bit biased!
thats the beauty of the AR system
you could have one lower & several uppers
since you are going to VA you will be in range of Quantico & Fulton Armory is in MD...

carbine, flattop, .223, 7.62 x 39 , 22lr, 50AE

AR, .45 handgun, and a 9mm handgun. Stick with the popular models (seems you have that base covered) so you can get replacement parts. If y2k does blow up, that ammo will still be the easiest to find. Might want to add a .22 in there somewhere.

Basically I'd keep the number of guns to a minimum, get plenty of mags and round up any replacement parts and springs I could.
Good Luck
The Sears cheapo safe is ready to be loaded into the truck. So, that solves me storage problem.

Looks like I'll take 2 carry guns, a pocket gun, a revolver, a bolt rifle and I am still 50/50 on the .22lr

I've decided not to take an AR... I could always have it sent up in a couple months if I thought I might want it handy.

If I was you and was staying that long in a motel room, I would only bring what I absolutly had to and then they would be my least valued guns. Unless you can store them elsewhere, I don't like the odds of them being stolen. Remember that your room is cleaned every day while you are away. That means the cleaning lady has a key to all the rooms. I used to do quite a bit of traveling and staying in motels. I was ripped off three times.

Don't know about you, but my guns are more valuable to me to take a risk like that.

Like I said earlier, I am not concerned about losing any guns for their financial value. I would worry about losing guns to a criminal, which might then be used in other crimes.

That is why I bought the safe.

Knock on wood, I've never had a problem, and I have been on the road for well over 100 days a year for the past several years.

I'll be there for 6 months, I will recognize cleaning people and they will get to recognize me. By the Uniforms, it will be pretty obvious that me adn the other guys in my group are involved in LE.
Moving the safe out of the room would be a pretty consipicuous undertaking.

I feel like I'll be okay.

May I suggest that you go ahead and actually sink a couple of "deck-nail" screws through the back wall of the cheapy safe and into the studs of the wall in the back of the closet at the hotel room? That's what I did with my cheapy steel gun cabinet (probably the exact same model), and a dab of spackle has gotten my deposit back from two residences! Usually the holes pre-drilled in the back of the "safe" will corespond to the studs, but its easy to punch through two more. 4 screws, 4 fender washers, and a standard electric drill with a phillips tip chocked up in it, and you can have that sucker INSTALLED in about 5 minutes, if you soap the screws. Minimal noise, too (but do it during the daytime to be sure...). Someone will have to bring a chainsaw to get my cabinet out. Makes it a hassle, which is the best you can hope for....

Bring the .22! I have never regretted having one along, and they're light and don't take up much space. If you're issued a shotgun there, you won't need to take one. (I can see it now: you whittling a plug for an extended magazine riot gun to go on an unxpected upland bird hunt this September....)

There are worse places to be than VA in the fall....
I think you know whats best, just decide and go with it.....sorry I didnt get to have lunch with ya,,,,Ive been swamped with training at work and personal things for the last week or so....best of luck to you.....be safe...fubsy.
You talked me into the .22..and the screws sound like a good idea too!

Talk about last minute suggestions! look at the time!

I'm outta here.