What would you do?

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New member
This is not really firearms related per se, so if it is inappropriate I apologize.

In the past 3 weeks my suburban neighborhood has seen one car break in with the car being garaged. Three blocks away.

10 days ago two doors down there was a home invasion in the early AM hours. Access via a unlocked patio door. The homeowner never heard the intruder and had cash and valuables taken. The intruder left via a side garage service door.

5 days ago a person was spotted, trying to open a patio door three doors down, and was chased away by the owner who was outside having a campfire.

I live in a suburban setting with 100% single family homes.

I just went out for my after dinner cigar and found a small food can with three bullet holes sitting at the bottom of my driveway. Looks like a 22 Was not there 2-3 hours ago.

Would it be prudent to call the police. or am I being a nervous nancy?
With the trouble going on in your neighborhood, a call would not be considered silly. It may give them more reason to drive by a little more often. I can't think of any reason not to make the call.
I am just having a hard time putting the events and the shot up can together. Seems odd to say the least.
Not quite the horse head in my bed trick, but for sure a first. :)
Neighborhood watch

I would report it. Email to pd perhaps?
Sounds like chatting with a few neighbors would be a good idea. Your local authorities might help facilitate that.
Yeah the actual home invasion caused quite a stir in the neighborhood. And rightly so, that is some serious stuff,
We all got together and installed motion lights and leave our front lights on all night.
So far crimes of opportunity, but the fact that an intruder entered my neighbors home rather freaks me out. My wife and I are security freaks....we deadbolt everything.
Likely this is all the results of a single nardewell or one house full of them, keep the police active, they'll catch em and things will probably go back to normal. So yeah, call the cops.
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