What would YOU buy, if any?

Pond James Pond

New member
Regrettably, I can't say I have a wodge of cash burning a hole in my pocket but seeing as I have been planning to buy a suppressor, I clearly have some to spare.

However, I find myself wondering if my current shopping list is the best choice for my one likely shooting indulgence of the first half of 2015 is actually the best use of my money.

My choices:
-A .223 cal suppressor (about €340)
-A .30 cal suppressor (about €380 plus barrel threading and perhaps an AR adaptor: grand total about €550 :eek:) to use on the bolt gun and possibly the AR.
-An electronic powder measure/thrower from Lyman or Hornady etc (€280-350)

I think one consideration that I will deal with in a separate thread is whether or not an automated powder thrower will work for me in my situation. I'll go over that here.

Given my supplies here (extruded stick powder) is an automated dispenser an indulgent luxury or a real, reliable, necessity?

Would you say the benefits to the shooting experience of a suppressor outweigh the possible time-saving of an electronic powder thrower?

Thoughts, please.
Would you say the benefits to the shooting experience of a suppressor outweigh the possible time-saving of an electronic powder thrower?
I'd consider the powder measure the better choice.

For a supressor to be really effective you need to keep your loads subsonic.

While there is some benefit to having one with normal loads, keep in mind any barrel attachments will change the harmonics, and could negate all the load development you did without the attachments
If youre planning on getting a suppressor, Id go ahead and get it and be done with it.

I went with a dedicated 5.56, and now after hearing a 5.56 out of a .30, should have done a little more research. :rolleyes:

I think the .30 would be more versatile across more guns, as long as you can get either a QD type mount, or pistons to allow for the change of threads.

The QD mounts are nice, and make things simple. I use a ratchet type on a couple of AR's and a bolt gun, and the suppressor is on or off in a couple of seconds.

My experience with the suppressors causing POA/POI issues has been mixed. Some guns it is an issue, some it doesnt seem to be. Either way, the difference hasnt been much, an inch or two at 200 yards or so (the flash suppressor/QD mounts have not been an issue). I suppose it depends on what you want the suppressor for, and what you intend to do with the gun.

With the one gun I have that I see it with, I zero with the suppressor on, and just mark the difference on a piece of tape on the gun somewhere.

One thing to consider too, after a few quick shots, the suppressors put off a good bit of heat/mirage, and that can be an issue with sighting.

I reload a good bit and just use the old stand by hand throw powder measures. With the right powders, like 748, you can pretty much throw and be done. I do a QC check of 5 out of 50 or so, and rarely do I have them not check.

With powders like 4895, 4064, etc, its a bit more "crunchy", and I usually just throw them a hair light, and then weigh and trickle them to weight. It really doesnt take all that long doing it that way, and you can charge a block of 50 pretty quick and then just check. Better they are a tad light, than over too. It takes more time to lighten the load, than it does to bring it up to weight.

Ive thought of trying the electronic scale/measures, but keep hearing they can be a pain/finicky, and Im not in that much of a hurry to get it done. I dont rush, and do things in steps, so charging and seating the bullets, is just "one" step over time, not a start to finish in one setting type thing.

Keep in mined too, the harder you get into trying to shoot one holers, the sooner the room at the nut house will become available for you. :)