What will you blow YOUR tax refund on?


New member
As I anxiously await my meager ($333) tax refund to be direct deposited into my account, I find myself already planning ways to blow it. :)

I think it's only appropriate to use my tax refund to buy a gun and NRA membership.

I'm highly considering a Remington 870 for home defense. Not too glamorous, but it sounds like it will get the job done.

I'd like to buy a handgun but not sure what is in my price range, even if I add $100 or so to my total refund.

Anyone like to give me some ideas, or tell us what you plan to pick up?
I plan to pay off the balance on my new gun safe. If theres any left over I may get a Remington 700 sendero in 300 win mag.
Already have “blown” it (and more) before it has arrived:

H&K USP Match .45 ACP w/4 mags and black case with extras
Briley 10-22 Mag w/Tasco Pro-point red dot
Ruger 10-22 Stainless (Hammer Forged Bull Barrel) w/ Aimpoint Comp M/XD

Refund? I haven't gotten a refund in over 10 years. As a matter of fact, I think my total income tax outlay for 1999 was more than the average per-capita income in the U.S.

Grrrrr.... And here I sit on my butt, with NO WORK! Angry doesn't describe how I feel.
I don't get any, but that's OK. I kept the $ in my pocket all year. Don't like letting Bill & Co. use it for free.
Now,if you want to know what I blew my profit sharing check on...I put together a DCM AR and a custom 300 winmag. and a Kowa TSN 821 ;)
i would like to "blow" it on an H&K USC
but instead i will pay off my wife's credit card bill


Black-T coating on my MK9. Had it less than a year and it's already starting to show signs of rust. Of course, the fact that I live in the hot & humid Florida swamp and wear the gun 18 hours a day, 7 days a week; might have something to do with it.
I already blew the teeny refund I was going to get on paying the income tax on the bonds I cashed last year.

Stupid me, it didn't occur to me that if the government owes me money and I collect the debt, I owe them part of the money I collected because they're entitle to a cut of EVERYTHING I earn, even the interest they owe me. Must be nice to be able to force people to give back part of every debt you repay!
Refund?! We get those??? My 1040s are kind of like my a$$hole, Exit only. I think my share was blown by the pervert in chief trying to get blown.

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein
Refund? We doan get no steenkin' refund. Wez DINKs. On one hand, I'm happy to have a problem like this to bitch about, until I think about how the gov. 'blows' it for me.
Dang. :( :( :(
I'm not getting a refund either. My wife works too, so it's only right that the government penalize us for trying to get ahead.

Just the same, I'm thinking Browning HP, Ruger P-95 or 97, or maybe a Sig, to celebrate another year closer to retirement.
Ordered a Marlin 1894S--been wanting one for a long time. Should be in shortly. My refund check covered the cost of the rifle and some reloading supplies. Should I be grateful to the govt. for giving me back a SMALL portion of what I paid in? Hmmm....
I kinda feel like a big dog that's been given a small milk-bone. Better than nothing, I guess--

Shoot straight


I owe the b*stards thousands.

I work a normal 8.00 to 5.00 job and the employer takes out tax. No problem.

I freelance as an editor and writer at home at nights and on weekends. That of course has to be taxed, too. No problem, we put that aside.

BUT ... during WWII the Australian govt introduced something called "provisional" tax as an emergency measure. It's still running. So, working for myself, I have to pay the govt its tax ... PLUS I pay in advance the tax on the money I expect to earn the following year. That's right, the SOBs get their tax payment in advance before I earn the money. And if I estimate I'll earn $10 000 and pay the tax on that -- and I actually earn $15 000 -- whammo! I'm hit with a fine/penalty for underestimating my future earnings -- plus the tax of course.

DC, you sure some of your rellies aren't running the Australian Tax Office?? ;)

Well, I was going to complain about my trying to keep my taxes owed to the low four figures. Unfortunately once again Bruce has demonstrated that no matter how bad this place is it isn't the most f***ed up place on the globe. I'm just glad that I don't have to pay in advance for a guess on what we're going to make, it is bad enough paying for what we actually did. I have no idea from month to month what is going to come in let alone year to year (thankfully it seems to increase more months that decreasing).
Just don't forget - even if you're getting a refund, you probably paid a *ton* of taxes. That's the insidiousness of the payroll deduction system. I wish everyone had to write out a quarterly tax payment like the self-employed do. My wife did freelance accounting work for 4-5 years. It *really* makes an impression when you personally write out a quarterly check to the IRS that's well into 4 figures. Very different from never seeing it and just having it be another deduction on a payroll stub. If everybody did this, the hue and cry for tax reduction would be deafening, and would result in the ejection of a lot of bloodsuckers from legislative positions.

"In general the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other." --Voltaire.

Right now in the US, the top 50% of taxpayers pay 99.95% +/- of all Federal taxes. This is very dangerous, and the class warfare game the Social Democrats are playing here is likely to result in the ruination of the Republic. Income redistribution is becoming the primary function of government, and the limitations placed on the government by the Constitution are more and more ignored.

[This message has been edited by JimR (edited April 11, 2000).]