What will realistically be banned next?

Futo Inu

New member
OK, someone posted awhile back as to which assault rifle he should get next, based on anticipated coming bans in Calif (which I believe have now come to fruition).

My question is not between two "assault rifles", but between an "assault rifle" and an ordinary semi-auto pistol. This is based on worst-case scenario, federal law restrictions. Of course, we will continue to fight the good fight for RKBA, etc., but assuming worst case; Supremes don't uphold our rights, and actual flat-out bans are forthcoming, do you guys think that ordinary semi-auto pistols will go first? Or "assault weapons"? I have to ask because with limited funds, I must prioritize my purchases. Specifically, I am debating next whether to get an AR-type weapon, or another pistol or two. I can see the writing on the wall with the cost of AUGs, HKs, etc. I know these are restricted because they are imported, and ARs are not yet banned because they are manufactured domestically; and therefore the answer to my question may depend on whether the pistols are imports or domestics. Well, I'm thinking of Glocks and Walthers and Steyrs, oh my. So, what will get the antis riled into a frenzy enough to get something stupid through Congress - Domestic AR/assault rifle ban, or imported pistol ban? I'm thinking with the Calif.-style anti-military-looking rifle legislation being introduced in several states (MO and FL, etc.), that the feds may try to grab the same/similar type legislation next and run with it, so I'd better get the AR or at least an M17S bullpup if funds are low - the quentissential ugly, black, non-PC rifle - at least AUGs can come in less-offensive tan color, right! Ha.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 30, 1999).]
I'm thinking it'll be HK-91s, AR-15s, and AK-47s in any configuration. After that will be all pistols, but revolvers will be OK for another year or two. Then semiauto shotguns. Then bolt-action rifles. And so on.

Nothing conrete on which to base this, just my gut feeling.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
They will work to villify and ban whatever they can politically get away with. Certainly it could be a continuation of semi-rifles, but if some guy tries to murder someone with a derringer in .38 Special...heck, why not go for that? The media will be cooperating.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
I agree with Coin...get the rifle now. They will be the first to disappear...considering that the anti's have a hugely successful negative PR campaign against them already...the average non-gun owner is pretty much brainwashed about these evil and magical killing tools.
Heck, everyone knows that ARs, HKs and AKs possess a diabolical sentience that takes control of the mind of anyone who comes near them; turning them into murderers that make the Khmer Rouge look like boyscouts ;).

Get the rifles, NOW!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well, maybe if the gun owners in Kalif started raising BLUDDY HELL, there wouldn't be any further bannings. Besides the Davis recall, and Puckett's intent to not turn in his gun, what else are you folks out there doing or planning to do?

Speculating on which gun(s) are next to go is
defeatism, and gives heart to the antis to go ahead and try the "next reasonable step".

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I lived in Kali when the Roberti-Roos bill became law. The "safe" rifle to own is the Mini-14. It was left off of the "bad" list because too many people owned them and the law would have p---ed off too many people at once.

A couple of side notes:

When the law was first written, it excluded the very rifle that the law was written against, the AK variant that Patrick Purdy used in Stockton. They had to amend the bill to include it.

I got to be one of the grunts that pounded the pavement gathjering the signatures that caused Mr. Roberti to use his entire warchest on the recall. this left nothing for his treasurers bid and he is now a private citizen.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Good job, Jim, in keeping that guy where he can do less harm.

IIRC, Roberti-Roos was struck down in part by the Cali Supreme Court as being violative of their state (and the federal) constitutions, not on 2nd Am grounds, but as violative of equal protection & due process, since the bill named specific makes of guns, which unfairly discrimated against them as compared with some other no-name manufacturer who comes up with an identical gun with a differnt name. Unfortunately, the recent bill has cured this infirmity by adopting a definition of assault rifles which is basically a "federal-plus" description. And I don't wanna mini-14! I want a real, evil, ugly, killing machine. ;)

"biabolical sentience"? LOL. DC, you can really paint a picture - I'm imagining someone (a nun, let's say) walking down the street, and getting within a few yards of a house containing an "assault rifle" - she suddenly stops; a natural-born-killers grin begins to form on her face as the gun's evil aura grabs hold of her, with the shooting spree plan beginning to form in her mind right then and there....

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 30, 1999).]
Besides anything which is black (my father asked me back around 1978, "Why do you like those black guns? That'll be the first ones they'll take away!"), expect to see any 50 caliber rifle and shortly thereafter, any scoped bolt action rifle. Don't want us to do any long range shooting now, do we?

Get your Whitworth now, before it's banned! Yee-haw!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Would get rifle first, as if you could only have one when the SHTF it would be rifle. They may make a ploy to ban evil Polymer Guns as Junk and anyother sound bite they can think of. Was not into firearms in late eighties but wish I was I would have bought a few Hk 91's, look where I am now, plenty on pistols and few rifles, and even fewer in about a month.

Dont forget to buy a **it load of magazines while you can.

Good Luck Futo.
I would say that you ought to get a sidearm first. Then go for a rifle...but you can't have an AR handy at all times the way you can do with a sidearm.
I think that "Sniper Rifles" are next, followed by anything that accepts a detachable mag. I think the Anti's are going for the big score soon, particularly if they get a majority in either house of Congress and/or an Anti Prez. I base that on the Schumer remarks about sniper weapons and Feinstien's "killer clips, killer clips, I bought them on the internet, killer clips, killer clips" mantra.

I also keep thinking that the Anti's will latch on to Hi-Cap shotguns, do a little math and figure out that 7 or 8 rounds of 00 Buck is 70 or so "bullets" that "spray" little children. Haven't seen this come to pass, however.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
I think they're consolidating their media influance to go after .50BMG rifles next because "they can destroy tanks! No person needs to do that!"
After that, they'll go back to their crusade against all autoloading rifles, then handguns. They will never stop and there isn't enough leverage to change their minds.
I strongly disagree with BOTH extreme views expressed here, represented by Oatka and cdf.

Oatka, you're right, we should all raise bloody hell, and continue to fight like mad - win or lose, we will have fought the good fight. But my brain and sound logic dictate that you prepare for contingencies which you don't necessarily expect or want to happen. It might; It might not. I am optimistic generally (right at this moment, anyway) about the RKBA fight, and think more likely than not, the Supreme Court will recognize some semblance of rights TKBA. So cdf, I am not even close to willing to concede defeat. But, a wise person will plan for the worst-case scenario - and I think the consensus here is to buy .50BMGs first, then "assault" rifles, then handguns. For me, since .50 cals are economically out of the question, I am now persuaded to buy "assault" rifles before they're banned. Even if banned, I will continue to fight for the restoration of right until my dying day, even if it means participating in a revolution.
Futo: I agree, the anti-gunners are going after firearms roughly in order of increasing numbers of owners. .50 BMG rifles being incredibly expensive to purchase and feed, few people own them, and they will doubtless be the next target.

I've already got my very offensive "assault weapon"; A pre-ban Calico; Black, pistol AND Kelly grip, 100 rd. magazine, retractable stock; All it lacks is a bayonet lug!

One option I'd suggest, though, is to purchase MACHINE TOOLS instead of an expensive gun. Buy a gun, and you've got one gun. Buy a machine shop, and you've got as many guns as you're inclined to make, of whatever sort you desire, and no messing with registration. Given total victory on the part of the anti-gunners, you could become quite wealthy sticking it to them...

Sic semper tyranus!
Id get what ever you want ....I personally have plans to pick up a 30-30 lever gun and put a peep sight on it, and Ill pick up a few more of them outdated, outmoded and no account 357's....they are not fancy but they will allow you to get the job done if necessary. As you know its the shooter not necessarily the equipment. Id maybe spend a little on some professional training as well.........only the first hit in a vital area counts...fubsy.
The media has already informed us:
- .50 cals
- Body Armor
- "Night" Vision....which may include all lighted sights.

It rings "reasonable". It hits the minority. It lends itself to the "for the children" mantra.
After all of that we had better get our papers in order. Most likely we will need them to cross the state or even county lines!
Rich is right.

.50 bmg is next to go, they might include some other odd ball highcalibers with it, or restrict rifles to a certain diameter of bullet or velocity.

Body armor and gas masks- Clinton has already made illegal to import gas mask.( that makes you think, doesn't it?) Importers flooded the market earlier in the year in anticapation of Y2K. Many are still left , and are CHEAP from 8-15 bucks, buy now.

Night scopes, scopes of high power or other optics that can be said to have only Military use is in danger.

Note, there is no 2nd amendment defense for some items, this makes it easy for them to ban.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
I consider myself a paranoid pessimist, but comparing to people here, I am very optimistic.

I see the "good fight" going very well and I don't see the anti's gaining any significant ground anytime soon on the national scale.
.50's might be banned and assault rifles might be clamped down on a bit, and I don't see us getting hi-cap mags un-banned anytime soon, but other than that, I do NOT see any hope of them banning hunting/scoped type rifles...there are WAY too many NRA people that love those (many of those same do not like "assault rifles", so they are an easy target).
Ban handguns or any type thereof? I don't think so, not with the rampant success of CCW.

And, I thought the body armor scare was over...? I have been putting off getting some, but will soon, simply because my job requires it and I have just been putting it off.

Shotguns could easily become a good target, especially semi-auto. All they need to to do is program one more person to go do a mass killing with a shotgun and then paste it on the news day after day.

Has anyone else wondered how many anti's are reading this thread and taking notes???