What types of firearms tranfers DON'T require an FFL


New member
:eek: I am trying to buy a replacement barrel for one of my revolvers.
I was told by one seller that I had to go thru his FFL and pay $20.00 extra to get the barrel from him.
I am in Idaho and there are few requisites on any type of firearms transfers from non-commercials parties.
He is in Indiana and they are a controlled firearms state.

Do I really need to go thru an FFL to get my barrel?
I may be wrong but I think it is only if it is the serial numbered item by law but it may be a rule imposed by the gun maker....
If it has the firearm serial number it must be sent via FFL. For example, the only part that needs an FFL on an AR-15 is the lower half. Not the grip or moving parts but the milled piece of metal it all fits into. That is what is considered the "firearm." You can buy barrels, shrouds, sights, carry handles, stocks, triggers, buffer tubes, buffer springs, bolts, carriers, etc. etc. and have them shipped to you without going through the FFL.
Brownell's doesn't have any. I called them because it wasn't listed in their new catalog. It is for a S&W Model 14. I've had a couple of other guys tell me they have barrels for me. I will give them a closer look now that I don't have the FFL hanging over my head.

Thenks for the quick answers
In the past (not sure the exact situation today), some gun makers have refused to sell certain parts (barrels, cylinders, etc.) to anyone but an FFL, or in some cases, factory authorised warranty centers. This may have been what your dealer was referring to.

Or he could have just been shining you on, to get your business. Installing a barrel on an S&W is not complicated, but its not a job for the home smith either. Bubba's garage gun shop can easily ruin the frame of your revolver trying to replace a barrel. Buy the part anywhere you can find it, but have a quaified professional shop do the work. Anything less (in pursuit of economy) is a disservice to yourself and your fine revolver.

There's a time and place to save a few bucks. Paying for quality smith work isn't one of them.
I just found a replacement 6" barrel in 99%+ better condition.
It is from a 14-3 and my Gunsmith will do the changeover.
I will never consider any Smith other than the one I am using.
He is highly recommended in this region. I have never heard or read anything but good about his expertise.
I consider myself lucky to have found such a fine gunsmith in my area.
I drive around 2 hours to get to him but it is well worth the beautiful drive downstate to get to him. I have always considered a Smith a specialist. Not a discount service provider.
Somebody's life is dependent on his precise and quality work.
Thanks for the kind words.

IF an FFL was required for the HANDGUN barrel, it would have to be an FFL in your state anyway. He was either mistaken or trying to get more business for his FFL. As stated above, only the receiver part of the firearm needs the FFL transfer (out of state transfers), any other part does not.
I have bought 6 different barrels in the past year from Lone Wolf Dist. in Idaho. All were shipped directly too me via priority mail. (I live in WA)

The only time a FFL is involved if I buy a complete gun or a gun receiver. Any other part is without FFL intervention.
I have bought 6 different barrels in the past year from Lone Wolf Dist. in Idaho. All were shipped directly too me via priority mail. (I live in WA)

The only time a FFL is involved if I buy a complete gun or a gun receiver. Any other part is without FFL intervention.

It's the government that is intervening not the FFL. The FFL is a private citizen licensed to conduct the transfer of the firearm by the intervening government. FFL’s do not make the law or pick and choose where to intervene. :D
Basically the frames require a FFL

As has been said, if it has a serial number, you need a FFL.

Barrels and other parts can be purchased without a FFL.

For instance, you can mail order purchase the entire slide assembly for a 1911 without a FFL, but not a stripped frame - that requires the license.

Blackpowder firearms can also be purchased mail order without a Federal Firearms License.
here in michigan,a pellet gun is considered a firearm,but a black powder rifle or pistol is not considered a firearm,but the blackpowder gun requires a FFL while the pellet gun does not.Weird huh?