what types of courses would you want???


New member
Aside from the firearms courses, What types of training courses would any of you be interested in? We are expanding our facilities. We now have acquired a training center just for doing hand-to-hand, building clearing, etc.
We are in the process of adding some new courses for 2001, and are wondering what types of training people would like to get.

Currently we offer: Handgun/Carbine/Shotgun/Subgun at many different skill levels. We have been also been very busy with courses in Police/Security USE OF FORCE
(empty hand/sprays/ASP Baton).

We are considering some new courses that will be open to the public in GROUND FIGHTING, DEFENSIVE USES OF THE CANE,
ASP Baton for the Public, and TASER. We have discussed defensive knife courses as well, but I thought I might get some of the TFL's input.

Thank you for your thoughts,
training required...

at this point, i'm wanting anything and everything....most importantly, i'd like some training on working in a pair (w/ wife)....training would help us both greatly!!
Tactical medicine classes. That way I could offer my services as a guest instructor :)

But seriously, tac medicine is always good knowledge to have.
