What type of grips look best on a 2 tone 1911?


New member
or a reverse 2 tone?

After trying lots of variations I'm thinking either stag or a nice piece of wood (effectively making it a tri-tone).

I'd like to see some sheep horn.
By two tone I assume you mean chrome and blued though now with cerakote etc it could be anything.. I always like the coco bolo grips. If you go to Esmeralda grips you'll see more styles and colors them you'll want.
Blued/Black slide and stainless receiver -- I prefer black or black patterned grips.

Stainless slide and black/blued receiver -- I like a somewhat darkened cocobolo.

At least this week. Next week it may be completely different. It also depends on the outfit I'm wearing. :)
I like dark wood that contrasts with a stainless or plated frame.
I don't like the reverse two-tone look, but black grips might look OK.
I have a 2-tone 1911 .22 on an Olympic Arms frame (parked) with a J.A. Ciener (black w/a parked barrel) slide assembly with smooth rosewood grip panels.
