What to use...

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New member
Here's the given situation.
A local city PD (within my city) is recruiting in December and January. I asked the recruiter on issued firearms. He said that there weren't any "issued". The minimum caliber is .38 so the market is open for pretty much any handgun.
Here's my list so critique it if you will.
1. HK USP .45 (full size)
2. Glock 22
3. Any 1911 (Baer, Wilson, Kimber, etc....)
4. SigPro 2340

PS_ Also what are the availability of hi-cap mags for the listed firearms with the exception of the 1911s?
You can buy a Para Ordnance widebody 1911 which still comes with one hi-cap with a coupon for two more for $99.

The highest capacity is 16+1 40 S&W in the P16 and P16 Limited. There is also a 9mm that holds 20, if you want 38 caliber.

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!
Hello Spirex288, Looks like your first
choice is an excellent one. I would
strongly suggest the Variant #1 model
in the H&K USP full size .45 Auto.
However, my first choice would be
the Sig-Sauer P220A in the same
caliber. Both are excellent guns;
you pick 'em?

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 11-10-99

Ala Dan
I agree with ala dan. i would go with the sig 220 or 226. Not that the glock is out of the question. im sure there will be more posts saying go with the glock and i would be the last to say not to. but if i had my choice i would go with the sig line of full sizers. as for the sigpro? im not so sure i would bank my life on a gun thats been out for such a short period of time. As for the 1911's ? I wouldnt wanna carry any single action weapon. I prefer the double-singles or double action onlys. but then again thats just my opinion. But i think it makes sense. I mean hell it makes sense to me : )

TIM : )
Get the one that has minimum amount of
ounces...you will rarely shoot it, but
you will often carry it. I guess you
will drive some kind of police car...this
camel of the highways will carry your favorite shotgun, machinegun, bazooka
or whatever you might need for serious
They're all fine. Shoot before you buy, then pick one up with plenty of magazines and ammo, and make sure you have a good holster for it. Then practice, practice, practice. Of that list, the difference in success is the shooter, not the gun.

Sorry I can't give you a solid cry for one single pistol, but it just doesn't work out that way.

What would I use, personally? A good, reliable 1911. But that's MY preference, based on MY experiences, not on yours. ;)
I think that the P220 would also be my first choice as a open carry police side arm. It is easy to operate and comes with more than enough fire power 8+1 in .45AUTO! It is extremely accurate, reliable, and durable!

I love my 1911s and I have a WILSON COMBAT full custom to boot. But it would not be my first choice for a duty side arm. First I would hate to put excess wear and tear on these Pricey Works of Art! Also, most non-educated public John and Jane Dows may feel threatened by the "COCKED AND LOCKED" carry of the 1911! Though just as safe, not many departments use the 1911 as a duty carry weapon for this reason I've been told! I do know that many renowned SWAT TEAMs prefer the 1911 style auto over any other auto loader. Noteably LAPD SWATs (carry COLT GOVERNMENT 1911) and FBI SWAT TEAMs (carry custom SPRINGFIELD 1911 style pistols) Both in reliable single stack configuration 8+1 .45ACP. They like most of use "IN THE KNOW!" believe that NOTHING is better to KNOCK 'EM DOWN and QUICK!

You are fortunate to have a CHOICE! Most departments have a standard model that all patrolman carry, regardless of the shooters needs or handicaps (i.e. handsize).

Here is the deal - this is going to be a duty package for you. You need to:
1. Pick the weapon that you feel the most confident with... Its got to be one that you can HIT WITH. And hit with quickly and in a natural motion.
2. Get a good holster. I recomend Safariland for Duty holsters. They have a new hooded model - sweet - it rocks - but I dont remember which model number it is. Once you get the gun and holster... You need to practice with this rig untill drawing from it is a natural movement. You have to train your arm to draw so that its in your muscle memory. Meaning - your body will know how to draw with out thinking about it.
I have been told you need to draw 500 times. I am not sure about that number... but you need to do it a lot.
Then carry as many spare mags as you can. 2 spares minimum. I know guys that carry 4 to 6. 4 on the person and a couple more in the duty bag.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Glock is a not a heavy gun, not heavy at
all...actually, it's just light. Popular
with police....It also shoots pretty well.
I'm no big fan of Glocks, and I like blue steel, but remember, it's gonna be on your
hip for many hours.

BTW, do not forget that sometimes a little
pocket (back-up) handgun can be quite handy...
If you were a law enforcement officer, getting high capacity magazines wouldn't be an issue would it? You can buy them as easily as Coca-Cola, right?
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