What to look for in OC tools?

Patrick Bateman

New member
I'm currently living in Kleveland, Ohio and wondering if it's legal to carry and own concealed and also what should I be looking for in something of this nature for self defense? %, or some measurement system for capability? Type- spray, foam, fogger, stream? Thanks in advance!
IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer)

As far as I know, OC spray should be legal for you. Under the ORC (Ohio Revised Code) you are not allowed to conceal on or about your person any deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance. Deadly weapon is defined as anything capable of inflicting serious physical harm (which, in the right hands, could be a Bic pen :rolleyes: )...which would not seem to apply to Mace or OC spray.

However, a LOCAL ordnance might apply. For instance, if some bedwetter on Cleveland City Council passed a local law banning OC spray, it would apply to you if you are within the city of Cleveland. Any local municipality or township can enact laws regulating such things (at least until a certain court case in Cinci gets resolved).

As far as recommendations:

Spray v fog v foam: there are drawbacks and benefits of all three. Get a cannister of each and try it out, see what you like and don't like. I dislike fog- it really spreads out and, frankly, I dislike breathing the stuff. YMMV.

%OC: I think the general thought is that %OC is less important than SCU (see below). Some people even state that %OC that is too high makes it less effective than a lower %OC product. I dunno if thats true or not, but I think that delivery mechanism and SCU are the two more important considerations.

SCU: The higher the better. SCU stands for Scoville Heat Units (?) and is a rating of how hot hot-peppers are. IIRC Fox Labs has one of the highest SCU products on the market. I got nailed with Fox in academy and it royally sucked.

Also, do a search on "OC" and you'll find a ton of responses.

go for the SHU...

Fox labs has a 3.5 million SHU spray, the second hottest is fox labs' old formula with 2 million SHU (IIRC). If it doesnt' tell the SHU, it's probably a 1 million SHU spray.

A criminal once compared a 3.5 fox spray to battery acid; and he had some prior experience with lesser sprays...
I would describe it as something between gargling with napalm and having a tactical nuke go off inside your skull. I've been sprayed three times in training scenarios and gotten a few whiffs of OC on the street- Fox was by far the worst experience I have had.

The SHUs are the important things. However, Huntsville, AL PD did some testing with the Fox brand and an officer got minor scarring around the eye tissue from it. Remember, you are liable for the scumbag if you spray him in regards to injury. Not my views, just the way it is in today's sue happy culture.
I was sent to the hospital with 'chemical conjunctivitis' the day after being sprayed with Fox. My left eye gummed shut while I was asleep, I woke up, cleaned it up, and it was gummed shut solid again by the time I got to academy. When I reported myself as injured their first reaction was that a recruit was whining and faking (sigh, nevermind that I had not once whined or faked anything since day one), but once they saw my eye they called for a squad. And this was with proper decontamination and adequate water for rinsing once we got sprayed. Like I said, it is horrific stuff- but I still had a good 30 seconds of unimpaired activity after being sprayed.

Friend of mine in the PD academy got a facefull of foam, don't recall the brand. He immediately grabbed his face and started trying to scrape it off... BIG mistake. IIRC it was around 5 million SCU. He woke up (yes, woke up) in the shower in the locker room with a couple EMT's. I would say that anything even close to 5 million would do a number on anybody. I would, personally, stay away from the foam, tho. The liquid will evaporate and leave an almost invisible sediment that is still highly reactive, which could be nasty if one were to spray someone breaking into a car or something similar and then try to get in...