What to expect


My first IPSC shoot is this weekend and I will be feilding my beloved CZ75B 9mm. I have been shooting at ranges for 4-5 months and I think I am getting pretty good, but ipsc is a different ball game. What range wil the targets be at (closest, farthest, average), how good can a new shooter score, how fast will I need to shoot. The reason fo these questions is that at 7-15 yards I have no trouble making good groups (3-6 inches respectively) rapid fire. But out at 25 yards I am lucky if all my shots hit the paper. I think the problem may be that the target gets realy blurry for me, but that might be because I am focusing to much on the sights. It also may be that I am slightly intimidated by that much range. Closer in I point and shot reflexivly, I just can't seem to do that at 25 yards. Any tips or drills that might help me? Should I use hotter loads (currently 115 grain winchester valpak)?
Welcome to IPSC. Be safe, have fun, and scope it out. Stage design varies by club. I would say the closest targets are at under 5 yards, the average target is 10 yards and anything beyond 20 is getting out there. The trend is away from long shots, but a 25 yard target isn't totally unheard of at some clubs.

Scoring is your points divided by the time. In general you will want 90 percent or more of the available points or an A-C hit at least. A D hit isn't acceptable. As for a newbie scoring well, let's just say most folks don't do horrbly well when they start, everyone knows that, and any decent shooter will do nothing but offer you encouragement and help if you are receptive. The speed you will see coming from Master and Grand Master shooters is something to aspire to, but don't let it discourage you in the least. BTW, I shot pretty well in Production with a CZ 75B with only very slight modifications to the trigger and replacement of the magazine brake. The CZ is a good Production Division gun.
MX5 said it well.
Most clubs have a new shooter orientation where the safety and club rules are explained. Follow the safety rules and you will have no problems.
Don't worry about speed at all. Shoot at a pace that is comfortable for you to get good hits. Speed will come later. You can't miss fast enough to win.
Shots longer than 20 yds or so are rare. If you have some long shots, do your best and don't worry about it too much.
Before the match there will be a walk-through where all the stages are explained.
When you come up for your turn to shoot, the range officer (RO) will ask if you understand the course of fire. Don't be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you are unsure of. Watch the other competitors. You will see some creative strategy.
Your ammo will be fine. With just a few days before the match, don't start changing things now. Go with what works.
Most of all, have fun. You will find your fellow shooters to be friendly and helpful.
Good luck and good shooting.
Welcome to IPSC and ditto what scottys1 & MX5 both said. If you try to keep up with the big dogs in your first match you'll be pretty discouraged quick, so just shoot at a pace you are comfortable with and forget what the other people are doing.....although it's certainly not a bad thing to watch the good shooters for ideas about how to run/shoot a given stage.

Close targets (under 5 yards).....just index the gun against the target and shoot. Don't worry about the sights at all, just be sure you see brown all the way around your hands and gun.

Medium targets (5-10 yards).....look for the front sight, don't worry at all about the rear sight, make sure it is surrounded by brown (indexed) and bang.

Long shots (over 10 yards)....line up sights in traditional mode. Concentrate/focus on sights, not target.
The clubs I belong to encourage the first time shooters to concentrate on getting through safely and following all the rules. Speed comes later.

One goof on safety, however and you are history for that match--no money back--so take it slow and concentrate on gun handling and safety.

Some ranges have practice sessions that will give you a feel for what you will be doing. Check the local range for practice sessions.

Don't worry about the fuzzy target. That is how they are supposed to look. Just make sure the front sight is lined up and the top of the sight is center of mass (commonly COM) on the target. As stated above for the close targets it is just as easy to make sure there is brown on all sides without using the sights.