What to expect from an FFL field office licensing inspection?


New member
Paperwork's gone out, so now it's a matter of time waiting for the phone to ring.
Working on the security system now.

I was told by a Field Agent I spoke with a few months back that they would be reviewing procedures/responsibilities.

Anyone that's recently been through the new licensing inspection I'd be interested in knowing what to expect, PM is fine if preferred.

If the license is issued (07) I'll need to get more up to speed on DOS/ITAR registration but I'll cross that bridge later.

Appreciate any "heads up" tips/info, thanks.
The guy that done mine was real nice. he called and set up a time to come and he went over everything and explained everything I needed to know and answered any questions I had. I went from a 01 to a 07 so I had a idea of what to do but a few things are different. They are there to help you and made sure I understood what I had to do. He left and said if my background was good I would get my licence in a few weeks . I'm due to renew in a few months so I should be getting my renewal form soon.
The gal that did my prelicensing inspection was very helpful, took quite a bit of time going over the regs and the requirements for record keeping. Remember, the BATFE doesn't care if you know what you are doing, as long as you keep your log books up to date.
Remember, the BATFE doesn't care if you know what you are doing, as long as you keep your log books up to date.

Kind of unusual IMO, especially considering the manufacturers license.
I guess there is a presumption that licensees won't get in over their heads- and judging by the overall safety record in the industry, it suggests that this type of self-policing does work.
Inspection next week...

Time to bone up on the regs and record keeping requirements :)

And, clean up the shop...;)

Seems to me the best place to keep bound books and forms is the safe, no?
No need to keep the books in the safe but rather have a nice, clean, well-lit place for them to examine the books at.

ETA: Safe spot too. You don't want them to be close to a mill, lathe or other tool that will throw chips 'n sparks. Coffee doesn't taste so good when it has iron filings in it.
Thanks, Gary.

I just got the Bound Book that Brownell's sells. Some valuable information in it, need to review the Form 4473 process most of all. Acquisitions and transfers to customers seem pretty straightforward. What I'm not seeing is what the process would be on the occasion of purchasing for my own "ownership".

What I'm wondering is will I "surrender" my C&R license?

It states " A dealer of firearms would not need both a dealer's license and a collectors license..."

If the C&R license is cancelled, I assume I just keep the C&R bound book, and any future personalfirearm purchases-whether C&R or not- simply get entered into the bound book? If a firearm for personal ownership, is it then simply entered into the Disposition Record with my name, and license number?

NICS and Form 4473...and handling of "personal" firearms...
If I purchase a firearm for personal use, does it need to be transferred to me via Form 4473, and would I still need to do an NICS on myself? Because it's the entity that's licensed, are the "responsible persons" on the license exempt from any of the transfer requirements since background checks have already been done- or are do we treat ourselves no differently than any other customer?

Can firearms transferred to the licensed entity, simply remain in the ownership of that entity, rather than being transferred to an individual? If so, pro's and con's of doing it that way?

Just can't find any real detailed info on this. I know I can ask the Field Agent about all this next week, but I'm trying to have as much understanding under my belt as I can...
I know a couple of 01 dealers who also have 03 licenses. They keep their collection of C&R items strictly separate from their store inventory under the dealer's license. If they want to sell a gun that is in the C&R book through the 01 license, then they show a transfer in the C&R book to the dealership and an acquisition in the dealership 01 book. If they want to acquire a C&R item from the dealership for the personal collection, they do the reverse.

The C&R collection and C&R book are kept at the licensee's home, not at the dealership, and are not available for inspection except by appointment, the same as for any other collector.

That way, there is a clear line between a personal collection and the dealership inventory. Seems to work OK and AFAIK BATFE has no problems with it. Yes, it's more expensive and more trouble, but it resolves a lot of potential issues.

Like James K suggested, keep both. Keep them separate too and if possible, in a separate safe away from the shop. If you set up a corporation, then your personal property is safer from seizure (consult with your attorney). Some folks go so far as to lease their equipment to their gunsmithing corporation. That way if they get sued, the plaintiff won't get the mill/lathe/tools (again, check with your attorney).
Investigator today did say I could keep the 03.
Three hours, went very well. Will have the 07 within about four weeks.
ITAR / Dept. of State discussion was particularly interesting....