What to do with all your awards?

Pulled the litle tags off them (Regional 1st Place, etc) and glued them all on a series of plaques.
Kept some of the important ones, but they're all in boxes in the attic.

Some of the trophys were just insane. I won one for 8th place revolver in an IHMSA International match that was over 4 feet tall! :eek:
Where are you gonna put something like that?

Cape Canaveral
I put a few of the nicest ones in a frame around an ancient photo of my rifle team holding a gargantuan trophy. The rest are in a big metal box in the garage.
I have this space on my wall devoted to them, its one inch square.

Heck Ken,

even I got a ribbon for being 3rd in C class. Let's see, that makes me 19th out of 23 shooters. Oh, I am SO proud, I think I'll hang it on the wall too!


Of course, I'm just getting started in IDPA, and most everyone else has been at it a considerable while. So I feel good just not being dead last.

Oh, wait. That's what your trophy is for. Oops! :D
I keep my first place trophies on the mantel, there aren't many.
The also-ran ones I display for a while and trash when I run out of room.

If you check around, there might be a junior program that would appreciate trophies they could re-plaque for the kids.
I used to have boxes of them and after close to 20 years of moves and banging around the regular trophy ones finally got tossed.
Now that I have got back into shooting the last couple of years I have considered putting some of them in a display.

It used to be mostly the trophy or plaque type but now it is all medals it seems. I have the medals laying about the house or in drawers. I think I will put them in one place as I come across them.

now I do plan on some type of display and the shadow box thing is the way to go for medals.
My Distinguished medals and the Eic ones I got during the chase I do plan on putting in a shadow box on the wall and then maybe the Eic medals after those in another one in the order with date and score after that that I can add to.

Thanks for reminding me as I have put that off for awhile.
I accept them but it seems the times have changed over the years.
When I shot a lot of matches back in the 80's and early 90's it seemed like you would get trophy's, plaques and medals at every match if you did well.
Now since I got back into it all I seem to get it cash. Only a few smaller matches give out medals. The only real medals I see anymore are for like state championships, Regional NRA championships and the national matches.