What to do with a cross dominant eye


New member
I'm just starting to shoot trap and need to learn how best to deal with cross-dominance. I'm right handed but my left eye is dominant.

Currently, I leave both eyes open when the trap flies...just to get an idea for its trajectory. Then I close the left (dominant) eye. Is this the best way to handle this situation?
Could be,GKT, but there's a coupla things to try.

Back when I was instructing,this came up with appalling frequency. We dealt with it by telling the rookie to either switch sides, or close the cross eye like you do when shooting.

If your hand/eye co-ordination is OK and you've sufficient strength on that side, try shooting lefty. You may do better that way.

Finally there's one more option, albeit expensive and ungainly. It's possible to get a stock bent enough that the cross dominant eye is behind it. The Brits favor this approach. Recoil is enhanced,according to reports I've received.

In your shoes, I'd try shooting lefty first, then closing the eye. I have known folks who didn't need to close their eye after some intensive shooting,so maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Oh yes, some of the pistol shooters with this problem tape up their shooting glasses to fix this.
GKT, I posted a similar question in the handgun forum here a few days ago. I shoot rifles and shotguns right handed and use my right eye. When shooting pistolas I sight with my left, just pulls up natural like. Probably the best advise given was basically, if it works keep doing it.

Dave, I've never seen one, but that must be one goofy looking shotgun with a bent stock. It would seem to me easier to learn to shoot southpaw.

bullet placement is gun control
My father is cross-dominant. He is simply closing his eye. But he says he seems to always want to open it back up. So he is going to try an eye-patch. That would be my recommendation to you also. So go grab one, and ignore the goofy looks at the range. :)

"But I don't wanna be a pirate!"
A quote by Jerry on Seinfeld


Thanks for the advice everybody...I'll give these tips a shot (both literally and figuratively).
Forgot to ask you -- how did the 870 Trap do?? Also...no fair using your cross-dom. as an excuse for poor shooting! :)

O.K. Hueco...you caught me.:-)

Had a GREAT time. The stock was a little different than the 1100 I used last week....but after the stock smacked me in the cheekbone a couple times I caught on (I may not be smart, but I'm not stupid!).

Still have much to learn...was shooting 17s and 18s. But they've got a class in a couple weeks that I'm going to hit.

All in all, though...I loved the gun! Thanks for the input!