what to do, the election having been held


New member
What with the election decided, at least the president and vice president, presenting us with the election of a couple of avowed anti gunners, it strikes me that keeping in touch with congress (House and Senate) becomes even more important.
certainly it will be important

BUT, those newly elected have two or four years before being vulnerable again. They may not listen well, depending on us forgetting before the next election cycle.

Your closing observation could be all to correct. Given that possibility/liklehood, the voters mught turn around and surprise the bums, by remembering and voting avccordingly. In the meantime, constituent contact, or however else you might choose to describe it could well keep the upcomming election, there s always one of those, in the minds of those elected things.
I truly believe that Biden is firmly set in his ways and hope for change in him is non-existant.Obama is anti-gun to the core but may not push the issue for fear of tearing this country apart.We do need to remain vigilant and contact our members of Congress,but those who have a Democrat representing them will have very little pull as they (Congress) will rapidly forget about the average Joe in their push for power and control.
If one completely abandons the idea of influencing Democratic politics and independents, then you have adopted a lose-lose strategy for the RKBA.

The issue cannot be won with just a conservative, Southern strategy.

If gun folks don't realize that - they are very, very foolish.
Te Anau writes:

I truly believe that Biden is firmly set in his ways and hope for change in him is non-existant.Obama is anti-gun to the core but may not push the issue for fear of tearing this country apart.We do need to remain vigilant and contact our members of Congress,but those who have a Democrat representing them will have very little pull as they (Congress) will rapidly forget about the average Joe in their push for power and control.

Likely correct about Biden and Obama, however Congress (House) is up for election/reelection every two years, and one thing that they want, Democrats as well as Republicans, is to retain office. Also, just as is the case with Republicans, not all are strong RKBA supporters, not all Democrata are opponents, which means, as Glenn Meyer put it, don't give up on any congress critter, keep in touch with them.
I can't imagine that any politician would hope his or her constituents would forget the deeds that most seriously impacted their lives. Any Texas congressperson has to know that they face ouster if they try goring the voters' favorite ox ... I plan to be far more active than I have in the past, reminding both Republican and Democrat that we are watching.
The issue cannot be won with just a conservative, Southern strategy.

+1 on that. We shouldn't forget that many of the Democrats that were elected in the past 2 elections were conservative Democrats. Those can certainly be influenced especially given the drubbing the Democrats took the last time they attempted to give us strict gun laws. Most of the Democrats I know cite that as the one reason they lost control of the government.

Democrats in swing states can be influenced also. Their party is aware that guns are very popular in many areas so they aren't likely to want to push their luck for example here in Ohio. Just to illustrate my point the governor of our state recently signed a law which greatly expanded our CCW laws and also gave us the castle doctrine (finally). That governor is a Democrat and a liberal. He comes from my county which is a major gun rights area. This county is the largest in the state in terms of area so they don't want to tick us off too much.

It could be an uphill battle for liberals to try to institute new gun laws but I'm sure it's a battle they are going to try to win.
If one completely abandons the idea of influencing Democratic politics and independents, then you have adopted a lose-lose strategy for the RKBA.

I agree that influencing Democrats and Independents will be the key to maintaining gun rights. While there is a clearly a Democratic voice that supports banning guns (Biden and Obama) the "aisle" Dems will be the ones we need on our side along with the independent voices. Not all Dems are gun banners and we need to ensure we have their support.

At this point, I also think it sends an important message when you get your CCW. I have mine and I just convinced a co-worker to get his. His first class was on Tuesday of this week. The gentleman in question doesn't even own a gun but is starting the process so that "he can send a message" about gun rights. I actively encourage everyone to get their CCW and do the same.
I actively encourage everyone to get their CCW

Not much chance of that here in sunny California. Guess I'll just keep writing the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Gearge Miller..... etc.

I wrote a little about incrementalism (sp?.... still!) in another post here today and think that's the key to the anti's efforts. It works. Look at the gay movement. Fifty years ago gays were shunned and ridiculed by the most everyone. They came out of the closet, protested, made their wishes clear to their political leaders and campaigned to elect gays to political office. They stayed on point, promoted their cause at every turn and persevered. Today, gays are pretty well accepted by large portions of the population and have considerable political power. The lesson is not lost on the anti-gunners.