What to do about the vote fraud!!


The following letter was emailed to me by a friend. I have been a lurker for a while and have wondered what we can do to change things. It seems that a lot of us are upset but nothing changes. After receiving this e-mail the answer came to me. If you would like a full content of the letter e-mail me and I will forward you a copy.

Below is portions of a report from Pastor Joe Kirkwood from Amarillo, Texas, who recently had an special opportunity to be in a group of pastors from across the nation invited to meet with Christians who hold office in the U.S. government.

..... I had dinner with 30 "born again" US Congressmen. These men shared how they are desperate for our prayers. Many of them privately told me of how lonely they were. They felt like they could talk to no one without the danger of it appearing in the Press. Some told of how the Gay & Lesbian's have taken over Washington. They even infiltrate the offices of the Congressmen. (They explained in detail how they are able to infiltrate).

Some of the congressmen told me with tears in their eyes of how women had been hired to seduce the Christian Congressmen so they could be caught in compromising situations. They also shared how money would show up in unmarked envelopes to get them to vote in favor of Gay & Lesbian agendas.

One Congressman said that because he voted to impeach the
President that he was even threatened by people inside the White House. This man is a spirit filled Believer and now was in a battle to hold his seat in congress. He told us that he had even suffered night mares of losing his children and family.......

We were escorted by guard to the Supreme Court! Chief Justice William Renquist granted us a visit in a private room at the Supreme Court Building....

Even Judge Renquist will one day bow his knee before Christ and yet Jesus is my best friend. This revelation helped me when I stood to ask him my question! Chief Justice Renquist is very concerned about America. Many of the decisions for righteousness of late have been lost by a five to four vote.

It was easy to sense the loneliness in Judge Renquist's eyes. Three years ago his wife passed away and it has been hard for him to recover from it. Can you imagine not being able to tell people what you think for fear it will be used against you later on in court? Who does this man confide in? Most who know him say he is a forced recluse. We all had a time of prayer while at the Supreme Court.

In conclusion I beg each and every Christian to P.U.S.H.


The way I see this problem is this, how can these men and women fight for us if they feel alone. I know I am just as guilty about setting in the easy chair and preaching to the choir. It is time that we let these people have our support and it is time that we yell like hell at those in the media that are bias. A lot of people may be like me and not know or have trouble finding the phone numbers and e-mail addresses for where to start supporting and yelling.

If people in the know could post numbers and addresses on this thread and tell others about what needs to be done. I think we can change things to our side. Please feel free to copy and use any of this posted message.

Sorry about the lengthy post. This is my first, if I stepped on some toes I am sorry.

Lenard Betts
I agree,but...

unfortunately,we are conceived by most to be "white,male,Christian,gun-toting,right-wing extremists"-which,incidentally,is the FBI's new profile for terrorist in this country.

People(especially our children)are programmed to believe that Christ was a mythical being created to start yet another religion.Pretty frightening in view of the fact that Christianity is the only religion in existence that has pure,scientific proof to back its claims.

His time is near!
I have an article on this subject

There are several methods of vote fraud. The biggest problem in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are the registration forms being used by non-citizens. We all know the counting is another problem. Praying is not going to fix the system, but it may make you feel better. Please note that each state has its own system of voter registration and voting procedures and counting rules. The way to work this problem out is to go to your county registrar and question her/him thoroughly about how carefully they check citizenship.

my site has an article called "Voter Fraud 2000."


It should answer many of your questions. The other articles explain why Bush may not have won. It is called "Where was the GOP on Nov. 7th?"

This is a complex problem and must be addressed and fixed at each level of State government.

What States are you all in?

My articles start out on Etherzone.com and then they go out from there. FreeRepublic, PlanetGoldberg and NewsMax.