What to do about damn rust


I seem to find rust or it finds me, and it likes my guns. I can't believe how fast the stuff forms. I have to admit that I am careless and have not kept them out of moisture free enviroments. What is a good rust inhibitor? And if you are starting to get rust what do you do?
A new synthetic lube on the market, one that is little-known at the moment, is "Kellube M-12." Developed by pistolsmith Neil Keller and a chemist buddy of his, this stuff is one of the best rust preventatives I've yet run across.

Kellube is red in color and is thick and viscous. It applies like no other "gun oil" I've ever used; a little truly goes a long way.

To quote from the bottle:
"...provides a 100% increase in protection over conventional petroleum gun lubricants."
"...displaces moisture and coats metal with a protective film...."

We started using this stuff exclusively in our shop about a year ago and now won't use anything else. If you can't find it locally (which you probably can't), it can be obtained from Neil Keller at Kustom Ballistics (219-724-2879). We (SM&A) also carry a stock of it, in four-ounce bottles, for resale. It's also now available, I believe, through Brownells.

BTW, rust is pervasive -- once it sets in it's very difficult to stop without removing it entirely and refinishing. Prevention goes a lot farther than cure in this case.

----Mac Scott
Thanks for the information, I'll call and pick up a tube of that Kellube. It sounds like great stuff.
I have a problem with metals rusting after I touch them, and for my handguns I've had good luck preventing too much corrosion by wiping them down with a grey commercial silicone cloth after shooting them (avoiding the front of the cylinder to keep the cloth somewhat clean), and then by wrapping them in a silcone "treated" cloth before locking them away in their little plastic boxes for the ride home.

As far as silicone "treated" cloths to wrap the revolvers in (so far I only own revolvers), I've had good luck with the "Gun Sack" pistol wraps, but I've also had excellent results with terry towels that I've sprayed with cheap can of silicone "lubricant/water displacer".

I used to find them rusted and corroding after a short time in their little boxes, but now after a quick wipe, and a nice wrap up, they hardly seem to corrode even if I wait a day. And I can store them "long term" (like months) without problems either (after thorough cleaning and oiling of course!!).


[This message has been edited by ThomasH (edited 10-17-98).]
If the rust is bad, a local smith can refinsh it for you... if it is not so bad... you can attack it with steel wool untill the spots are gone then coat your gun in a light film of the oil of your choice to keep it from coming back... Silicone works pretty well, but there are a lot of different products out there for this... like buying shampoo.
Two other product i've been experimenting with are Millitec and Tough Cloth. Millitech seems to provide better lubrication; Tough Cloth, better protection.

Tough Cloth also sells a "Marine" variation of it's product. Leaves a coating similar in feel to Cosmoline. I think this is the ticket for long term storage.