I am in the market for a pump shotgun this will be my first gun and will be using it for mostly hunting. I don't have allot of experience with shotguns and have been talking to allot of guys about what they prefer. The guns that seem to be most popular are the 500, 870 and 1300.
my girlfriend’s dad hunts allot and he told me to look at the 1300 Black Shadow Deer or the 870 express and to see which one "feels" better to me he said that he likes the 1300 because of the speed pump but another guy told me that the speed pump is something to get used to. I have not been able to locate a 1300 to hold but the 870 seems very nice I fond a deal with an 870 combo for around 370 is that a good deal or is the 1300 black shadow better.
I am just looking for some replies from people who have experience.
ps or any other guns i should look into
my girlfriend’s dad hunts allot and he told me to look at the 1300 Black Shadow Deer or the 870 express and to see which one "feels" better to me he said that he likes the 1300 because of the speed pump but another guy told me that the speed pump is something to get used to. I have not been able to locate a 1300 to hold but the 870 seems very nice I fond a deal with an 870 combo for around 370 is that a good deal or is the 1300 black shadow better.
I am just looking for some replies from people who have experience.
ps or any other guns i should look into