What the...?


Staff Emeritus
Okay, this one is new to me.

I brought a critter before the judge today for setting fire to a pump-jack that didn't belong to him.

During the course of his ramblings, he announced to the judge that the court didn't have any jurisdiction over his case because he was -- and I quote --
...a libertarian socialist...


I blew this off as a raving of a spoiled rich-kid college student who's never had to work a day in his life and whose parents didn't box his ears at the approriate time and chucked his little fire-bug self back into holding.

Now, libertarian-socialist is one of those word combinations that tends to stick out in your mind, so when I got home, just as an experiment, I put Libertarian-socialist into Google.


Folks, I begin to wonder if it's not time to grab some pitch-forks, a couple of dozen torches, bit of rope, an irate mob or two, and start razing some Universities.

Bliss-ninnies! They're everywhere!

When did high-level colleges stop educating and start brain-washing? Hmm? Anyone with two functioning neurons to rub together -- much less a college degree -- ought to be capable of looking at this drek that's being spewed and yell, "Oh, Bull-hockey!"

Look. It's simple. Libertarian is a philosophy that places the rights of the individual as paramount. Socialism is a philosophy that states that the rights of the individual are subordinate to the needs of the society.

A libertarian-socialist is like a sterile-pregnant woman. Cold-heat. Honest-politicians.

Am I the only person who can't wrap his mind around the concept of socialist libertarians?

Great Googly-Moogly, my kids aren't going to be allowed anywhere near a college.

Lemme see if I have this right:
LS is a society, devoid of "government", where everyone can do as they please, so long as those actions are approved by the working proletariat. Kinda like anarchists and CNN joining forces.

Not that the spokes-persons (comerades?) of the working proletariat would ever wish to convert their power into a formal "government". Naaaah, all that died with Trotsky and Uncle Joe.

I feel a long overdue LawDog Files entry comin' up!
"Libertarian Socialists" are people who like the "Nobody can tell you what to do" part of the Libertarian philosophy, but dislike the "...and you don't get to tell others what to do, either" part.

They're just like the conservatives who agree with the Libertarians because they support Pet Freedom X, but could never vote for them because they don't support Pet Prohibition Y.

I so wish that cognitive dissonance caused the brain to explode after a time...
Need a scorecard with glossary to keep up with critters now-a-days.
Got a feeling Pump Jack might take on a different meaning for the LS ....

I feel a long overdue LawDog Files entry comin' up!

Umm maybe we need to send English Breakfast Tea and some Fried Pies for incentive to LawDog .

Wouldn't want to be accused of "bribing" an Officer of the Law...then again define bribe :D
I am offended by this thread!

I thought that there was a rule about fowl language being used here, the use of libertarian-socialist,,, :barf:
Just saying those words makes me feel like I just licked the inside of a muffler.
College does not = education
College = manipulation
After reading (out loud, to my friends and neighbors) LawDog's initial post and the subsequent posts, all I can say is that Pa went out looking for a pole and Ma has started heating the tar, while little Jennie-Sue has been ripping pillows apart (goose down being better than chicken feathers!). Not at all sure what they plan on doing, but Pa did ask for me ta look up the directions for Texas on the map....
He zed it all wrong.

He probably meant Librarian-Socialist. There should be no bookstores including those on campuses. Nor should there be any private ownership of books. All books belong to the peepul! Powah too D Peepul!
I was covering the courts years ago as a reporter and decided to sit in on the petty docket one afternoon.

Judge was a known hardass, and one guy, caught on a shoplifting beef, decided to claim that the court had no jurisdiction over him for some BS reason.

Judge looked up at him and said...

"Watch me."

Ended up sentencing him to 18 months in county jail.
LawDog, I have to admit that this is a slight mindbender for me. But, I was also at a major university when a controversial speaker, conservative bent, was heckeled by university students who claimed their right to free speech was to deny hers. Then they got upset when others sought to protect the speakers free speech rights.

My own attempt at dealing with this is to point out that effectively there is no difference between Socialism and Feudalism. And for those of you that try to explain to me that there is, all I can say is I would like a detailed explanation of the difference between the "Crips" and the "Bloods".

They are all Feudal-Socialist. :D
Let's see if I can get this straight...

"Libertarian-Socialist" ... Wouldn't that be the political equivilant of;

Lorcin Quality?
Rohm Durabilty?
Jennings Reliability?
A semi-automatic muzzle loader?
A single-shot gatling gun?

Ah... thought so.