What the heck did I see


New member
Live in central pa coming home from work about midnight I saw something cross the road into my yard it was pure white carried itself like a red fox had the shape of a coyote no hair on the tail except for a ball at the end didn't look like he had to much of a coat on him either. I live out in the middle of no where so I know it's no one's dog. It was small body like a fox but taller like a coyote. I'd say it was probably 12 to 17 pounds. I pulled into my drive way then drove into the yard and chased it and it started jumping everywhere went inside got the gun tried scoping it with a light but couldn't see nothing but eyes.
I sent an email to a rescue organization last week; I really hope we dont lose our little population. I know and understand why they are a PEST to some. Around here we love seeing them in the woods.

I saw a "mangy" looking fox a few years back. It bolted when it saw me; didnt concern as much as a sick animal that wont run. This year I can walk around and see 2-3 an hour from 50-100 yards out. Just scratching out in the open. Ive seen healthy appearing fox socializing in the open with the hairless ones. All hours of the day.
Forget about winter...hairless they wont last a summer.

Our veterinarian explained to us when we asked about shaving our huskies in the summer; they need that fur to thermoregulate in the summer as much in the winter. Sunburn, dehydration, bad news.
A fox with the mange so bad it has no hair left, does not run and pounce nor does it go "jumping everywhere". By the time they get that far they are a very sick animal with very little if any energy. Any fox or 'yote I've seen with mange that bad is barely walking anymore. :rolleyes:

I too am going with Poodle until I get more evidence to the contrary.
Seen it with my own eyes. Around 3pm, last sunday, known den site. 2 hairless red fox, small pom pom of hair remaining at tip of tale. Interacting with a third, healthy "appearing" fox. The 2 hairless were walking about in a restless, purposeless manor at a normal gait and speed. Stopping to scratch constantly. They ran when they spotted me. One hairless "play wrestled" with the haired fox.

I see your point about the health of the animals. Cant disagree. But there are not multiple poodles on the loose around here that look like tiny hairless dogs. Theses critters cant be much more than 10 pounds...if that.

Maybe its not mange....college kids with have-a-hart traps and Nair?:D

I can be coaxed to get my game camera back from my nephew;)
Did t look anything like this?

I shot this one about 2 years ago and in 20 years of coyote hunting it was the worse case of mange I had ever seen on an animal living or dead.

She was very aggressive, barking and yapping at me from about 200 yards out.

Until she started carrying on, I couldn't tell it was a coyote.

A 32 grain Nosler Combined Technology bullet at near 4200 fps launched her into the sweet by and by with nary a twitch.

She was passed hurting a microsecond after I pulled the trigger.
I have caught and seen fox with mange at the end of November. Your best bet is to shoot the ones you see and bury them with lime. It is not a dry skin condition. The skin literally rots off them and they will not recover in the wild. What they will do is spread it.
Im curious why that bit of fur remains on the tail. Ive been seeing the same thing I see in you photo ATCdoktor....minus the gaping hole:)
Maybe it is not mange and is something else. Usually the first thing to go is the hair on the face and tail because of the way fox sleep.
I tried shooting it but proved difficult trying to hold my hunting light and rifle at same time off hand trying to shoot between 2 glowing eyes at 100 yards at midnight lol
Red fox with mange confirmed just talked to 2 neighbors saw the same thing running through the yard both said they thought it was a red fox with mange