What the H is Danforth Thinking?


New member
Just ran across this newsflash on Conservativenews.org. Initially, I was pleased with Miss Reno's appointment of Sen. Danforth. Now, it's starting to look Clintonesque. Read on.

Dowd Appointment "Fatal Flaw" in Danforth Probe?

(CNSNews.com) - Conservatives and Republicans concerned about the independence of the Waco investigation fear that former Missouri Republican Senator John Danforth has made a "potentially fatally-flawed decision" in appointing former US Attorney Edward Dowd as his lead investigator. Dowd is presently under investigation for using taxpayer funds to help defeat Missouri's Proposition B, a right-to-carry referendum that was narrowly defeated in April. Dowd is accused of using taxpayer funds to send letters opposing the referendum, and using government employees to man a toll-free number that gave information on how to oppose Proposition B. Many observers fear that Dowd's partisan activities on gun issues may taint the probe into events that took place at Waco. "In light of the political biases Mr. Dowd has demonstrated in the past, the Law Enforcement Alliance of America adamantly opposes his appointment to such a crucial position within the investigative team," said LEAA executive director Jim Fotis, who also called the decision to appoint Dowd "potentially fatally-flawed."
In reply to the topic:

He isn't. That's not his job. Nor is it his job to find out who knew what when.

Danforth's job is simply to find a scapegoat. Does anyone think Dammit Janet would actually appoint someone who has the ability to get the TRVTH, like, for example, Ron Paul? I think not; that would be political suicide.

This is all whitewash, folks.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
It's more than a whitewash, it's a setup.

In typical administration fashion the Clinton "Justice" Department sent out the trial balloon story of Danforth being considered for the job for a day or two before his selection.

Floating the idea for a couple of days - with the cooperation of the liberal, and even through the conservative & alternative media - assured that no one other than those in power (& Larry Flynt) had access to the FBI files. They could jettison him & his preacher reputation quickly enough if he should show any signs of making any honest effort towards getting to the truth of the matter.

The Justice Department is out of control. The Federal Government is out of control - from the ATF to the DEA, to - you name it!

Yet we keep meekly sending them up to half of the results of our labors. Which they then use to empower themselves, and demand more from us, at the point of guns we paid for and to which we are not entitled ownership.

How can we expect them to behave better when we willingly subsidize the way they act now?
Glad to see this topic discussed.

Just got back from the 1999 Gun Rights Policy Conference in St. Louis (see http://www.saf.org ). This was a significant topic of conversation. Our friends in Missouri are clearly livid about Mr. Dowd and his recent, questionable activities in damaging their civil rights.

Congressman Bob Barr of the 7th District in Georgia was our keynote speaker last Saturday evening. I asked him if there was any reason we could have confidence in this investigation, considering Dowd's involvement. Barr said 'No', and essentially agreed this is typical of this Justice Department. For that matter, I asked if his committee (which will also be holding Waco hearings) will have access to anyone and everyone who was there at Waco, and he said that depends on whether the Republican leadership will back them up.

I certainly understand that this is not the first time we have seen corruption in the U.S. government. However, I'm left more than a little uneasy that this s**t apparently starts at Clinton and works its way down, and involves the deaths of 80 people, including 26 children. Sometimes I feel as though I've fallen asleep, and someone has substituted some bananna republic for my former country ...

Keep your eye on Dowd - sounds like this guy smells pretty bad.