What swivels do I need?


New member
I recently purchased a Hawk 982 (870 clone) that has a brass nut embedded in the stock that has normal threading but no swivel and the magazine cap has a hole in it for what looks like a swivel. I'm not sure if Uncle Mike's or someone else makes anything for it. I've looked at the sling attachments from Scattergun Tech that mount under the magazine cap but I'll still need something threaded for the brass insert. Thanks.

Tim S.
Uncle Mike's sell a stud that fits into the hole in the magazine cap. The swivel snaps to that stud.

As for the threaded brass bushing, you're going to need to find out what the threads are, SAE or Metric, and what thread.
You can probably have any machine shop gage ID the threads with a thread gage.
Make sure to CALL FIRST, don't walk in the door with a shotgun.