What Suppressor to buy for USP 45 Tac.?


There are a lot of suppressors to buy. I want the best or at least the best of the high end I determine is the best for me. There seems to be a great variety and variance in price. Mostly I want one that complies with H&K warranty
Have you sent an e-mail to H&K USA to ask about what can you can use?

Have you checked with the guys on HKPro.com?

What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
The KAC USP-T suppressor is the only suppressor available in the US which does not void the warranty.

What aroundlsu said. I've ordered a SWR HEMS II for just under 1/2 the price of a KAC. Granted the warranty is going to be shot the first time I shoot it on the gun, however I shoot with a guy that has close to 10,000 though his USP Tac and HEMS II and has NEVER had a problem with either. With that said I listened to both and the SWR sounded better to me than the KAC and was cheaper, but...another guy thought the opposite. YMMV
I have one of these on the way
Advanced Armament Evolution 45

Have two other suppressors from them and love 'em both, so figured I couldn't go wrong. Have talked to them several times over the years and they have always been very helpful and didn't mind spending time talking with me.
The KAC USP-T suppressor is the only suppressor available in the US which does not void the warranty.

Wow.... had no clue about that. So they can dictate which one you use? They going to specify ammo too? ;) Wonder what reasoning/justification they give for that? There are many excellent mfgs out there. I'll have to do a little reading. You have my curiosity up now. :D
What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European swallow?

Being a total newbie to suppressors, what do you really look for in a suppressor besides price? Accuracy? Noise suppression? Reliability?

Interesting about the voiding warranty bit. I always wanted a threaded barrel and suppressor for my USPc. How well is it enforced?
The bit about the warranty is in your manual. Read it. :) There is actually another company, Brugger & Thomet, you can use as well, but that is a European manufactorer and only Made in USA silencers can be sold in the US to civilians.


H&K is worried if you use a suppressor that is not built correctly it could break the polymer frame from all the extra weight hanging on the front of the gun. I suppose if you showed up at HK with a broken USP Tac the first thing they would ask is what suppressor you were using. If you choose to lie, that's your decision. I bet they would ask for a copy of the Form 4 if you claimed it was a KAC that broke it.

With all that said, I am running the USP CT on a Gemtech Blackside and haven't broken anything yet. Here's mine:



I am wearing sissy gloves because the thing gets damn hot after a few mags.
aroundLSU, how does that Gemtech work for you?

Is it tolerable dry or do you have to shoot it wet to be 'hearing safe'?

I have heard a lot of bad things about .45 cans but I haven't actually heard one of the cans.
I have really only shot my gemtech wet. Only .45 cans except the Knights can are wet cans and only advertised as hearing safe when shot wet.

It's so easy to shoot wet there is no reason not to.
CCF(Capitol City Firearms) which may be out of business, made a few B&T cans. I have one of them, and I'm happy with it. Check on gunbroker, etc to find one.
CCF(Capitol City Firearms) which may be out of business, made a few B&T cans. I have one of them, and I'm happy with it. Check on gunbroker, etc to find one.

That's the Impuls II. There is a dealer here in Vegas that stocks them. At least he had one in the display the last time I was in. That is what I am running on my Tactical and I have been really happy with it.
I have and recommend Bowers ATAS

I've used a Bowers ATAS suppressor, and I like it better than the KAC (sold mine). Go look at the subguns.org site. Mr. Bowers makes a quality product, and has EXCELLENT customer support.