What Size Lead Ball For 12 Gauge?


I have a SxS Pedersoli double 12, that I like to use as a fowler. Sometimes while hunting large CRP grasslands here in Nebraska, I will encounter antlerless deer at close ranges. I also carry a black powder deer permit and the seasons run concurrently. I'm wondering if I could maybe load up one barrel with ball and patch and that way be able to take deer while huting birds. My gun is choked mod and imp cyl. Will that affect things? What size ball and what should I use for patch/lube? Or should I just scrap the whole idea? Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
Given that a 12 gauge bore is .729 in diameter you would want a ball that is 10 to 15 thousands smaller in diameter then.After you patch it you want it to fit the bore snug but not to tight.T-shirt material should work fine.I don`t know about the powder charge though.Any thoughts you guys?
Well, my Brown Bess is .750 and I use a patched .715 round ball in front of 90 grains of FFg. I haven't shot any living creatures with it, but I do use it occasionally to split logs for firewood!:) . If your bore is a true .729, I'd say a .690 round ball with a lubed patch of pillow ticking in front of 80-or-so grains of FFg ought to be decisive.
