what size gernades are legal for us regular joes?


New member
i know M203s are only dreams for most of us, but i also knwo theyre is a flare gun that is akin to the 203, what size munitions does it use?
You're thinking of a 37mm FLARE launcher that looks like a 40mm launcher, but ATFE considers ANYTHING that fires an explosive projectile to be a Destructive Device, 40mm or otherwise, and will require its registration.
IF you could find one which was legal to transfer to an individual, it would be registered as a destructive device (DD) with the $200 transfer tax. Ammo is another issue. If you can find them for sale, it's my understanding that each explosive projectile is also a destructive device with a $200 tax per round plus whatever the round costs (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.) I've got a few NFA weapons but no DD stuff.

You occasionaly find 40mm flares, star clusters, smoke and training rounds for sale but thats all I've ever seen
Please do not believe the ramblings on the blogs and other sources that base their content on sensationalism not fact. Gun shows are NOT the source of weapons and incindiary devices going to the Mexican drug cartels. Yes there are many bad things currently happening just over our borders. It is too easy to throw that "gun show" excuse because it is a trendy thing to say.
I hear they are just flowing across the border. Can't ya use a net and snag a few? Just the feds you are running a trot line.
Chalk rounds = smoke gernades? thats what im talking about. not looking to blow houses apart and cause chaos. just think it would be soemthign fun to play with whil out plinking in the desert
Of course no one will wonder if Hugo Chávez might be shipping guns to Mexico just to make things tough on the U.S. Obama has called Chávez a great leader, so maybe our president wants to stop guns from the U.S. because Hugo doesn't want competition.

Chalk rounds = smoke gernades?
NO. These are two different types of munitions. A chalk round is a training round that contains a payload of, well...chalk. When the projectile hits, it causes a "puff" of chalk dust to make the impact point. Kind of like dropping a 5lb bag of flour off the roof. (NOTE: I neither condone, approve of, or encourage such behavior. In addition, neither myself nor anyone I know have ever participated in such actions irregardless of whatever evidence is alleged to exist)

A smoke grenade uses the smoke canister as the projectile. When the canister lands it releases its contents in the normal way of such items.

Also you can buy adaptors that allow you to use it as an over/under gub with an AR. Among the opyions are a 12 gauge shotgun shell and a multiround 22 LR where pulling the trigger simulaneously fires over a dozen 22 LRs,
NO. These are two different types of munitions. A chalk round is a training round that contains a payload of, well...chalk. When the projectile hits, it causes a "puff" of chalk dust to make the impact point. Kind of like dropping a 5lb bag of flour off the roof.

Or occasionally blow to pieces coming out of the barrel :) -- but it's just chalk, so not a big deal.