What size cleaning brushes for revolver chambers?

Look for "Chamber Brush" at midwayusa. They are larger than a bore brush.

When using Pro-Shot rifle bore brushes, to clean the bore, check diameter with a micrometer.

Some are oversize and may become jammed in the bore.

If they start hard, you may not be able to back them out.

I bent a steel coated rod pushing one through the bore. A first in my 73 years.
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In a pinch , wrap a layer of # 0000 steel wool around a used bore brush to "fill it out" and use it to clean chambers. Coat the steel wool with a little JB Bore Cleaning Paste and this rig will make short work of cleaning chambers . Can also be used to effectively clean barrel bores....works like a charm.
A caution about steel wool is that when you use it on stainless: little particles of plain steel from it can embed in the surface and become sources of surface rust spots. If you use and clean and maintain the gun the way you a regular steel gun, that won't be a problem.

Also, steel wool strands are likely as hard as some plain gun steel, especially .22 rimfire guns. It is the reason you see the recommendation to wrap strands of pure copper scouring pads like Chore Boy around a brush for such cleaning.

I am lazier than the rest of you. I don't use brushes on anything any more. A lot of the modern cleaners work so well that if you let them sit for a bit they handle the effort on their own. For lead, I've used this product for a time and find it works as advertised and lets you patch the lead out easily. I use Bore Tech Eliminator for carbon and copper fouling. Pump spray it into bores and chambers at the range when the carbon is still warm and relatively soft. Wrap the gun in plastic or plug the opening with silicone or neoprene stoppers. By the time I get it home, the fouling pretty much just patches out, except for lead. If I have leading, I follow patching out the Bore Tech Eliminator with an alcohol patch for drying and removing Bore Tech's corrosion inhibitor and then use the No-Lead (product link) afterward.