What silly laws have they imposed on you in your neck of the woods?


Here in chicago, we aren't allowed to drive our cars up and down the street repeatedly. that is a violation of the cruising ordnance. They have stopped law abidding citizens from buying spray paint. Now the alleys and homes aligning with the L (elevated tracks) are filled with graffiti. How the hell they get up so high to spray paint is a mystery to me. Apparently no one is bothering them while they are doing this. If you see what they have tagged you can tell that they spent hours doing this. Where was the police during all these taggings? probably stopping all the teenagers from cruising around (good way to generate money for the city). Stopping crime costs money. The police here are in the business of generating money for the city. So what silly laws are they imposing on you in your neck of the woods?
In Colorado Springs, it is illegal to discharge an airsoft gun within city limits. Yet, most local people involved in airsoft don't even know the law exists.
We can't have more than an ounce of marijuana. Prostitution is illegal as is gambling. You cant carry a gun into a bar. Only 5 caribou can be taken a day. Me wearing a loincloth in public is indecent exposure.

WildohandihavetopaytaxesAlaska ™
You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour. (Does not apply to motorized bikes, that's just regular speeding)
The Ohio driver’s education manual states that you must honk the horn whenever you pass another car.

Do that when passing an older driver and they will end up in the ditch. My examiner (when i got an American license instead of my UK one) and I had a laugh about that one.

In Cleveland: It’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license!
In Cleveland: It’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license!

Hehe, where are you supposed to find a mouse with a hunting license?

I find they haven't got the attention span to sit through the safety class ;)

A friend who lives in CA told me when they wanted to ban assault weapons, they looked through a picture book of scary guns and banned everything named in there. This resulted in the new law faithfully reproducing a spelling error from the book and also banning a gun that does not actually exist!
Clothes are good for two things: Preventing frostbite and providing a comfortable place for firearms concealment. I say that mandatory clothing laws violates both my first amendment rights and right to privacy.

That said, the lawn laws where I live are insane. I've barely avoided fines for having 3 inch grass, small dead patches, and visible holes, but I'm not allowed to do anything about the rabbits causing the second two problems.
If you think new laws are bad, take a look at some of the old ones that are still on the books, and can still be enforced, if the govt decides to!

Included in them are laws prohibiting certain consensual acts between husband and wife!

And some that are today, rathe humorous. For example, it is illegal to shoot rabbits from the back of a Brooklyn streetcar, but only if the car is in motion!
In Washington, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin (including if married to one)!!!

When I was younger, many states still had and enforced "blue laws", prohibiting all businesses (except grocery stores, liquor stores and bars) from being open for business on Sunday! Hospitals were, of course also exempt, fortunately.

There are tons of "crazy" laws on the books, and our duly, oops, duely elected officials are hard at work giving us more every day they are in session!
Included in them are laws prohibiting certain consensual acts between husband and wife!

Fortunately for all of us (even those of us not married! ;) ) most of those got struck down by the Supreme Court in the 2003 case Lawrence vs. Texas.
I know the reason etc., but this still makes me laugh:

This is not legally a firearm in this country, under federal law...

...but this is!

I know which object I'd rather be assaulted with.

(OK I don't know about that particular M39 but I have an identical one that is exempt from the 1968 GCA due to the date the receiver was made)
Wild - you should have stayed in San Antonio. Wearing a loin cloth is legal. As long as you cover your genitals and anus - you are legal.

We had a gentleman who wore a flesh colored thong and bicycled around our fancy neighborhood - near where we had breakfast.

The cops couldn't touch him. However, he was nutty and later probably killed himself.

You can also carry a long arm. Thus, you could wear a flesh colored thong, and carry your AR and go for a stroll. Then you could post here why your rights were violated when the law arrived.

To the OP - it is clear than you have the hate on for Chicago. So, move - rather than posting complaints about it all the time. It's getting old.
In Wisconsin it is illegal to discharge a firearm at the culmination of a sexual act. Seems like the ceilings and roofs of establishments where such activity was pursued as a business transaction were developing a lot of holes and disturbing other patrons and innocent nearby people.

One gun or the other but not both. The things you learn when you come from a north woods lumberjack family.
Wild - you should have stayed in San Antonio. Wearing a loin cloth is legal. As long as you cover your genitals and anus - you are legal.

We had a gentleman who wore a flesh colored thong and bicycled around our fancy neighborhood - near where we had breakfast.

Ya may get your wish (or nightmare as the case may be) since the progidal female MiniMe wants to go to Med School there and I will then be compelled to visit more often.:D

WildwouldyoueatbreakfastwithmeifiwaswearingafundoshiandhellokittyswimgogglesAlaska ™
I don't know about Hello Kitty - my kid had enough of those.

Sorry, we are thread hijacking.

There are some websites of stupid laws around, which the OP could check out.