What should be my next .45?


New member
I am not that comfortable with single action c&l, so it has to be either da/sa, or dao. I thought I wanted a Para Ord 12*45 LDA, but a search here did not bode to well for their reliability or quality control. I'm wanting a mid-sized gun because it will also be my work gun (gas station).
I started with a Colt Enhanced Government 1911 A1. Added all kinds of stuff to the pistol. Used mostly Wilson parts. Got over $1000.00 in the darn thing.

Then I shot a Kimber Classic. Bought it. By comparison, it was just a bit better than all of the work I had put into the Colt. Probably says more about my amatuer smithing than anything else.

But, I did not like to carry the 1911 c&l and let's face it, it is a wonderful piece of work, intended for a battlefield and now made to do un natural things by craftsmen who have tinkered until, for a fair amount of money, the accuracy is incredible. But its still vintage 1911.

Then I picked up an H&K Compact in .45

It is, for me, perfect. Extremely accurate, utterly reliable, does not kick as hard as my 1911's. Has a de cocker, is SA/DA and has nine modes you can have it put into by H&K for a nominal sum. SA, DA, DAO, left or right on the safety, decocker. If you can dream up the combo, it can probably be put into that form.

It is totally modern, very simple to take down and for me, it fits my hand and points naturally.

I'm selling the Kimber, but I will keep the Colt and pass it down to my kids. It is such a classic and so cool looking I could never part with it.

I have also owned a Kimber Ultra Custom (very small) .45

Biggest mistake I ever made in a gun purchase. Torqued my hand like the small cannon it was when I shot it, very hard to control and so painful to shoot that I sold it after about 50 rounds. Dumb mistake on my part for not trying one first.

YMMV but try to arrange to shoot a compact H&K and see what you think.
CZ-97B is the one still unknown jewel of .45 world. DA/SA, all steel, excellent design and very good quality of manufacturing. Extremely smooth DA pull, at least 2 times
lighter than HK UPS DA pull. And, CZ-97B is very accurate
with just about any decent ammo. This I do not understand, 'cause barrel busning seems to be pretty loose..., but the
piece shoots like a dream anyway...Hope CZ starts selling
97 with target sights and somewhat different bushing, this
setup looks to be very promising for competition shooting.
I've got a HK USP compact 45 also. Great gun and one that you don't have to worry about going BANG every time you pull the trigger.

I had a Glock 21, but sold it because it was just too darn big and fat to carry.

I'd also highly recommend a SIG 220. Every one of my buddies that has shot mine has bought one - even a friend that's a die-hard 1911 fan. My wife, who doesn't shoot at all, can group perfectly with it. It's hard to beat.
DA/SA or DAO: Ruger P97

For a mid-size "work" gun as you specified the Ruger would be hard to beat. Reliable, accurate, durable, and priced right it has it all. BTW, you won't mind as much if it gets banged around at your station then say a SIG P220.
I agree with those recommending the SIG Sauer P220. I would also recommend the P245 as you are looking for something compact.
I have a Republic Arms .45 Patriot; no malfuctions in the short time I've owned it, and it's relatively accurate for a DAO pistol--sub 3" groups off hand @ 7 yards. The recoil is heavy...feels like a hard bucking motion when fired, but not painful or wildly uncontrollable.
I'd recommend a Kimber of Charles Daly. They are the only 2 .45 1911 styles that I have shot. Both are excellent IMO.

I've also shot the H&K USP .45, it was a great gun to shoot. Shot the glock 30 and didn't care for it much. It seemed like it wanted to drift on me a little. I hit the target with ewvery shot, but it was just all over the place.
I would recommend the CZ97B if you like an external safety. If you don't the SIG-Sauer P220 would be an excellent choice.
HK USP .45, my favorite pistol for the moment. Would look at a Glock 21 if I didn't want a safety, P220 if I didn't like polymer. No experience with CZ.