What shotgun has a faster action than a Benelli M2?


New member
So the blackbirds have returned and in need of blasting. I blasted a few today but I seem to outrun the trigger on my Benelli M2 leaving me with a dead trigger. Is there another automatic shotgun that cycles faster that I won't outrun?
I've had the pleasure to meet and talk to the late Tom Knapp when he was putting on shooting exhibitions for Benelli all over the world. At the time, Tom set the record for throwing eight hand held clay birds up in the air and shooting all with eight separate shots before they hit the ground. He was a sight to behold speed shooting his shotguns. He used several different models during the show. One gentleman asked Tom if it might be possible that he could be having a problem himself by shooting his gun too fast. Tom got a wry smile on his face and said to the man that "I shoot five thousand rounds a week in practice and putting on shows. I can't shoot too fast for any of the Benelli models, so I doubt that's your problem". I believe Tom was correct. If anyone knew it would have been him. By the way, Tom was not only a fantastic showman, he was a gentleman in every way. You'd never meet a nicer, more down-to-earth guy than Tom Knapp. He left us too soon.
I suspect that you are "trapping" the trigger ....not moving it far enough forward to reset it.....which can occur with any gun...vs out running the action on the M-2....

Assuming the action is clean and properly lubed.....I find the cycle time on the action of my Benelli Super sport, and I believe it's identical to the M-2 model, to be literally as fast as the time it takes to fire the 2nd barrel in any of my Browning over unders / where you have to still reset the single trigger - but there is no bolt cycling or a shell loading - only the internal barrel selector resetting on an over under...

In my view, by the time you shift your eyes, to fix on the 2nd or 3rd target...you should be able to reset the trigger without any hesitation in firing that next shell....on an M2 semi-auto....

And I don't think you'll find a faster cycling action on another semi-auto shotgun...although the marketing departments of all mfg's seem to think their system is the fastest...so if you're really convinced you are not trapping the trigger inadvertantly, give one of the gas operated semi- auto's from Beretta or Browning/ Winchester a try....they are very smooth actions as well...
Supposedly, the Benellis have the fastest cycle time of any of the semi-auto shotguns on the market. I have seen one fired so fast it sounded like full auto, there were 5 or 6 hulls in the air at one time. When the shooter was done shooting, you could hear all of them hit the ground. That's a lot faster than I can work my finger. I suspect you are trapping the trigger as well.
Try leaning harder on to the stock, like shooting a full auto rifle. It is an inertia action. It will cycle slower if your body flex with the recoil too much, so much so that it may even short cycle. To the extreme, take off recoil pad, shooting vest with shoulder padding.

All that is assuming you can actually shoot that fast, which is no easy task.

I read that a bump fire pump shotgun can beat a semi auto. You may consider that.

I have seen one fired so fast it sounded like full auto, there were 5 or 6 hulls in the air at one time.

You can do that with an FN SLP. I've had 5 hulls in the air simultaneously and so has a friend with my SLP. The Beretta A400, at this time, is allegedly the fastest semi-auto shotgun.

However, I'm not sure how that really matters. When we were testing the SLP for the cycle time we couldn't really aim it as your fighting recoil during the process and you're just concentrating on making the trigger work.

None of us are Tom Knapp level shooters, and aiming while making the gun cycle at its highest speed are two separate activities. I would agree with him about outrunning the Benelli action, as most of the modern semi-autos are limited by the shooter and not the recycle time of the gun.
The Beretta Blink system is the fastest, the SLP/SX3 is next.

I blasted a few today but I seem to outrun the trigger on my Benelli M2 leaving me with a dead trigger. Is there another automatic shotgun that cycles faster that I won't outrun?

Doubtful you are outrunning the trigger. For all but about 6 guys on the planet, folks can't outrun a Benelli trigger. But, you can have excessive bolt bounce or have too soft of a shoulder or even too much mass in the gun itself. If you pull the trigger with the bolt on a bounce, it won't strike the primer, but the bottom of the carrier and then follow. That is what causes the dead trigger.

You can change the inertia spring, recoil spring and tune the shotgun so that won't happen.
USMCGrunt wrote: What shotgun has a faster action than a Benelli M2? (and also) So the blackbirds have returned and in need of blasting.

Semper Fi Grunt. From another old Marine.

To attempt to answer your question realistically, the answer is, it depends on several factors. I assume you mean semi autos only for the purposes of my answer.

A. The action of the shotgun.

If it is an inertia operated, semi auto, that requires sufficient movement of your shoulder under recoil for it to cycle and function properly. If you set the butt against an immovable object (like a big tree) it will not function nor cycle correctly. Gas or long recoil operation do not require movement of your shoulder to cycle and function properly.

B. The talent/ability and experience of the shooter. Some people have quicker trigger fingers and can get a real rapid fire rhythm going and some people can't. We can't all be champion rapid fire shooters, but for blasting black birds as you mentioned, I can name three that I own that for all realistic practical purposes will cycle faster than most people can work their trigger finger while dealing with 12 gauge recoil.

1. My Fostech Outdoors Origin-12 is gas operated (based on a highly modified AK action). I can fire it very rapidly. See for yourself in this video of me rapid firing 10 shots from it. Yes 10 shots, it goes so fast you can hardly believe I fired 10 shots.

2. Although I don't have a video of me firing it, I can fire my long recoil operated old 1940 Belgium Browning Auto Five just as rapidly as the Origin-12.

3. I also don't have a video of me firing my Remington model 11's, but since they are basically clones of the long recoil operated Browning Auto Five, they fire just as fast. I have had five shell casings in the air before rapid firing both my Browning and the Remy 11's.

I like my Origin-12 a lot, but being gas operated of course you have to clean powder residue from the bolt area as well as disassemble the gas tube to clean it and the piston. Nothing hard about that, but you still have to do it. One thing I REALLY like about my Browning Auto Five and Remy 11's is that they are long recoil operated with no gas/powder blow back to foul your bolt area and no gas tube and piston to clean. All you need to do with them is run a brush or patch down the barrel with no disassembly and that's about it. So they are super easy to clean. I love recoil operation for that and wish more guns would be made in recoil operation rather than messy to clean gas or inertia actions that depend on the movement of the shoulder under recoil (which can vary from shooter to shooter and cause short stroking of the bolt sometimes). The long recoil operated Browning Auto Fives and Remy model 11's may be out of production and a great many of them antiques, but they are great designs with many working 100 years later and still going strong.

The Origin-12 of course is relatively new and around $2600.00 to $2800.00 and 10 rd mags are available as well as 20 rd capacity drums. That would certainly mow down your black birds quickly with less reloading.

Used Browning Auto Fives and Remy model 11's hold five in the tube (six on the model 11 if you know the 1/4" washer trick under the loading tube cap) and can be had anywhere from around $250.00 to $400.00 on auction sites like GunBroker if you shop around and are extremely easy to clean, very rapid cycling and easy on the budget.

I highly recommend all three since they all cycle crazy fast and can cycle faster than most shooters can deal with the recoil and operate the trigger in a real world realistic situation.

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