What Shirts/Gear do you want to see get made? (male and female)


New member

One of my many hobbies is doing graphics design/logo work and I've noticed that while there are some ok/good shirts available for guys that are firearm related, most of the designs really aren't something I would consider wearing myself....

Typically the designs have too much going on, or they are printed on a shirt that isn't fitted in a flattering way etc.

And for women, most options consist of the mens shirt design printed on a babydoll shirt (if they are lucky) or just printed in pink.

which seems a bit silly since 1/2 of the population (who tends to care a LOT about cloathing and accessories) is being cut out of the firearm cloathing and accessory market...

I'm looking to try to get better looking/more flattering designs onto the guys and to put a 2A Message on more women.

So... what do you guys want to wear? what do you guys want to see? what do you want on your accessories etc.

Here are some things I've worked up in my spare time...

(note, I've stuck these up on CafePress but I don't really recommended buying the stuff unless you really love it since it is REALLY expensive... I'd much rather licence the artwork to someone making runs of the gear so it could get to market for less)






