What scope for CZ-527 7.62x39mm?


Hello all!

I am going to be buying a CZ-527 bolt-action rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm next month. I plan to put an optic on it, but need some suggestions. I am not really a "scope" person. All of the handguns and rifles only have iron sights, and I've not had much experience with any sort of scope though I have read about them and feel decently versed on the terminology of them.

So for this rifle, the purposes will be varied. It will first and foremost be used as a fun rifle, for casual paper target shooting for groups in the 25 yard indoor range nearby, for shooting out to about 75 yards on my friend's properties for plinking, and maybe out to 100-150 yards at my Dad's property for again, plinking and the occasional paper target shooting. But, there is a 300 yard rifle range that is also close and I plan to do some shooting there as well, and do want a 300 yard capability out of the optic. I know the 7.62x39mm starts to drop a lot after that, but can foresee use out to maybe 400 yards max if the opportunity presents itself in the future.

Aside from range and plinking use for fun, I want this to be a deer and hog rifle. I am not an avid hunter, but want this rifle to be able to hunt said game when I do go hunting.

So, for the uses and on a budget of $350, what recommendations do you have? Like I said, I'm a scope newbie so any input will be hugely appreciated. Thank you so much!! :D

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'd like something lightweight and reasonably compact. This is a lightweight gun, and putting a big heavy scope on it is not what I want to do LOL!
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IMHO that rifle just begs for something 1-5x or 2-7 ish, saw a 2-8 Vortex on sale at midway that'd be real good and well within your budget
Has anyone heard of the Leupold 2-7x28mm Ultralight? Would that be a decent scope? I am looking for a scope that is fairly light and not too large for the rifle.
I would say a Leupold vx1 2-7x32/33 would work well.
Matter of fact, I have one I would be willing to let go...

Since you mentioned hunting, I think the 32/33 mm objective is a better choice than the 28 mm for low light situations.

That being said, I put a Leupold VXR 1-4x24 on my x39 527. Don't plan on shorting it past 100yds. If I need more range I'll grab one of my .308's...
I would definitely try to find one of the discontinued Nikons in 1.65-5x36mm - perfect for that gun - it will be labeled "Omega" most likely, but could be "TurkeyPro" or "Slugmaster" - make sure you like the reticle on whichever one you get since the Turkey Pro version of it doesn't have a fine center crosshair - just a circle. I have 5 of these scopes, and wish I'd bought more before they went discontinued. They work great on ARs, shotguns, short range hunting rifles, other self-defense rifles, and even handguns (yes, handguns). Most versatile scope ever made. The good news is that if you CAN find a used one, they will likely only be $140 to $190 ish. Nikon is still selling the 3-9x40 version of this scope as a "Slugger" or "Shotgunner" or some such for $200 at Academy. Also a good choice.

Another good choice is another now-discontinued scope - the Burris MTAC 1.5-6x40, if you can find one. A bit heavy though.

But yeah, any 2-7 or 2-8 with a 32 to 36mm objective would be nice. Or a fixed 4, or a 3-9x40. So you have oodles of choices. You *might* be able to find a used Zeiss Conquest 3-9x40 in that price range, and if so, that would be an excellent rig.

I've got a 2-7x Leupold on my x39 bolt,and have not been dissappointed. Its a fairly tidy optic, and does not hamper or clutter the simple bolt rifle.

The 7x is useful for range work, I rarely set the scope any lower than 4x, and often it runs in the middle of the power range, between 4-5x. That said, I wonder if a simple 4x might be all one needs? Good Leupolds in 4x apre pretty common used, cheap.
OP you didn't ask, but if you wish to use medium to low rings you will want to recontour the base of the bolt handle to clear the ocular lens of your scope. At one time CZ USA used to have recontoured bolt handles available for purchase at reasonable prices.

more scope than you are talking, but this 4-12X Vortex Diamondback is what I put on mine( works well with the rings that come with the rifle ) Paralax adjustable so you can shoot close range, enough magnification to shoot long range... I'm really, really happy with it & the rifle :)




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    527 7.62 X 39.jpg
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A nice fixed 4x or 7x scope if it were me, at those ranges I'd keep it simple. The good thing with fixed is that the optical quality is better and the scope itself is lighter.
I've been surprised and very pleased with the Weaver K6 that I put on my M4gery.
It was only $130 from Midway. It's exceptionally bright and clear. It works well enough at 200 yards, but beyond that, I'd prefer a LOT more magnification. That's why my other AR has a 6.5~20X.
For practical use with that cartridge and short barrel, I think you'd find this to be just about ideal.
This one has been on the gun for about 1,000 rounds. They are reputed to withstand years of abuse. One piece tube, and made in Japan. If this one dies in another 2 years, I'll just use the lifetime warranty, and carry on. At that price, you could afford to just keep a spare.
BTW- Congratulations on getting that 527. What a beautiful little rifle!
This is the third edit, and the LAST!!!
Don't be concerned with that front sight shroud interfering with your scope picture at all, unless you go with a variable that has a lower end that is around 2X. I was concerned with this one until I had a look.
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I had an IOR 6x, 30mm, scope with MP8 reticle that worked very well on prairie dogs to 600 yards. The glass is incredibly clear, and the price is not terribly expensive.

Unfortunately the rifle and scope combo were stolen a few years ago.

It did look terribly oversized on that tiny little action.

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i have been very pleased with my two scopes fro the Bushnell AR Optics line. They are clear out to six hundred and albiet, slightly heavy, have all the quality of the Nikon's that run about 30% more in cost. I currently have the 3-12x and the 4.5-18x, both are awesome. I am going to jump on the 1-4x "throw down" PCL soon. They also have a 2-7x in the same line. Shop around and you can find some great deals on them, check out Wal-Marts that are doing the gun closeout stuff and opticsplanet and of course PSA. They fit perfect with the Nikon P-M-XR or whatever mounts for their similar line of AR optics.


since your shooting x39, you could consider the mony 300BLK scopes available ATM for better drop compensations. The Nikon P-300 2would be a great affordable choice, and should fit your gun well. Not sure how the reticle does BOTH sub and super drop compensation, but it says so, so it must be true.
Having owned one for...years...skip the scope for a while. Seriously.

You'll discover how wonderful the stock iron sights work with the x39 cartridge and (like me) decide a scope is more of a hinderance to the light and quick handling carbine.

Also note the x39 is more of a <200 yard cartridge. Sure it can hit something at 300+ but the holdover is atrocious.

Bottom line, get a feel for it, break in the bolt and then choose an optic in the 1-4x range.

On a side note I love my x39 so much I bought it's 5.56 twin, and THAT one does have a 4x on it only out of necessity due to it's flatter trajectory. I'm not thrilled to have it on there though.:cool:
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>>A nice fixed 4x or 7x scope if it were me, at those ranges I'd keep it simple. The good thing with fixed is that the optical quality is better and the scope itself is lighter.<<

I agree. Perhaps a Weaver K4 like "back in the day". It's not what I have on mine, but it would do the job just fine. ;)
Have you considered primary arms? They have a 7.62 holdover scope in the 1-6x magnification for right around $309 that is supposed to be pretty good. Maybe more tacticool than this intended use though