What scope for a .22LR


New member
I got a Ruger 10/22T stainless for Christmas. Looking for a scope for hunting,target,plinking use. What about the Simmons 22 mag 3x9x32AO. Seen a article about it.
Never had a Simmons so I can't comment on them. On my 10/22T I have a re-conditioned Tasco World Class 2.5-10x44 and on my 10/22M I put a Tasco High Country 4-16X40 AO. Both of them have given me good results w/o any problems.
RDF - I put that Simmons on my 10/22T and have had no problems with it. I am getting consistent 1/2 to 3/4 MOA 5 shot groups with the gun. So the scope must be doing its part ok. I got it on sale from Natchez for $90 in August and see that it is again on sale from them for $95.
From personal experience with both the 10/22 and that particular scope I'd suggest that you also invest in a set of Burris `Signature' rings with the inserts. When you go to mount it make certain that you've got a complete set of the different offset inserts and do the initial `rough' aligment of the scope via the inserts. Once you get it hitting fairly close on target *then* use the scope's adjustments. (The main reason is that the scope's adjustments aren't exactly `linear' and the farther from `original' centre things start to get a bit `wierd'. Also *if* you are going to ever attempt to do any shooting out beyond about 100yds you won't be able to adjust the scope anywhere near what you'll need. [My nephew is the one who now has the 10/22 and scope combination and with the offset via the inserts he can change fairly reliably from 50yds all the way out to almost 200yds! Off of a rest he can work his way through a group of clay pigeons set at varying distances starting at 50 yds and ending at 200yds averaging a couple shots for each one.]) Before we installed the Burris rings and their inserts a little over 100yds was the max that it could be adjusted reliably to and anything beyond that was guess work and `prayer'. While I know that not everyone will want to even try to extract such `insane?' performance from a 10/22 it is nice to know that *if* one wants to attempt it, it can be done. (It *is* also an excellent exercise in control that can pass on to other endeavours with other rifles and as such is not a waste of effort as it first may appear. {GRIN!})

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