What rifle for Competition..silhoutte and paper


New member
I am not sure if this is the forum I should post this in. I would like to start shooting some competition but don't really know where to start. I have been to the NRA website which was helpfull. I am thinking of silhouette and long range paper. I own a couple of guns but I am not sure if they are suitable. Win .270 w/scope. Win 30/30 Iron sights. Rem. 300 Sav Iron sights. Can anyone out there help me on whether I need to start looking for a rifle and if so what? What is the best way to get started?
Thanks in advance for any input
The first question I would ask is: What is available in your area? Check the local clubs and ranges and see what events are being shot. Then visit and see what guns are in use.

Standard metallic silhouette is shot at ranges of 200 to 500 metres. Your .270 would get you started there, but you would likely want something specialized before long. Last time I looked which was several years ago, the 7mm 08 was popular in rifles set up to just barely meet the rules.

Conventional and F-class long range start at 600 yards and run out to 1000. Again, your .270 would enter in an "any sight" or F-class long range match but I don't know how well it would hold up. I have shot in F-class (prone with artificial support allowed) with my old .30-06 and had a good time. Most of the guys had very nice (expensive) .308s, 6.5x284 or 6mm match rifles.

Across the course, 200, 300, 600 yards is best shot with a very good AR these days.

But try to check out some actual matches in person, I can't tell you everything you need to know on the Net, partly because there isn't time or room enough, partly because I am not a major league long range shooter.

Your .30-30 and .300 Savage are not well suited for any competitive target shooting that I know of.
hey Mike, start by attending a match. See what the other competitors are using. Watch and ask questions. Most will jump at the chance to pass on info. The bunch I shoot with (hunters pistol) are always looking to hook an unsuspecting shooter with our favorite drug - the clang of a ram doing a backflip off the rail. Good luck.
Thanks Guys
I will look for a competition in my area and attend. I am quite sure it won't take much for me to get hooked!