What resources are available to help gunowners watch the Senate?

Dave Kopel has an interesting article on the outlook for gun owners in the 2011 Senate. Unfortunately the article is mostly political which is no longer discussed here at TFL.

So instead of concentrating on the main thrust of the article (the pro-RKBA Senate prospects for the upcoming election), I thought I would ask about a problem the article raises - the real possibility of Sen. Charles Schumer or Sen. Dick Durbin as the new Senate Majority Leader in 2011.

If this takes place, it would be the first time that a leader in the anti-gun movement has been the Senate Majority Leader. The potential for mischief would be pretty high and we may not get the kind of notice that we have been getting on anti-gun legislation.

So my question is this - in this kind of environment, what can gun owners do to keep themselves informed about backdoor deals in the Senate? How can we use the Internet to make sure that we keep a close eye on Senate legislation so that we don't find a nasty surprise in a bill? What resources are out there to keep ourselves informed?
Not that we should relax but I consider the likelihood of the Dems retaining control of the senate to be very low. Looking near on impossible right now. Things change, but with only a month to go, they'd have to change a lot.

To your main question....

TFL is what I do to stay informed!:D
Maybe I'm naive or misinformed, but I figure that if these folks don't know about what's going on in the Congress, then there's no way I'm going to know by just searching around the Internet.

Even if a rabid anti-gun Democrat like Schumer were to assume Senate leadership, he won't have enough votes to defeat a filibuster.