What problems does the Norinco Chinese SKS have?

i've had mine for about two years and havent had any problems except with some aftermarket mags that didnt want to feed
The closest thing to a "problem" that I've had with mine over some thousands of rounds is the right-angle that was tacked onto the disassembly lever on the forend at the gas tube came off. No big deal-- just means you can't catch it with the edge of your thumb to take the fore end off-- you have to use a hard tool, like a round of ball.

Other than that...

They're BIG value for the money. Mine feeds all, shoots all, has NEVER jammed, come to think of it (all right, that surprises me...). Mine puts all shots within 5" at 100 yards, off a rest. I really don't ask any more of it. Truck rifle par excelence.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

I have had an Chinese SKS for a few years and have never had a problem with it. Yep, it ain't pretty, then the best dog I ever had wasn't either. Russians made SKS's are supposed to be better, but I don't see how. I have about 5000 rounds through mine and never had a failure. I have heard stories about the chrome insert blowing out and other nasties. Usually these are second hand tale. These are nice little guns. Most people don't like the Chinese wood. That can be fixed for under $100 with a synthetic stock.

I think the going rate for a SKS in good condition is $150-200. (I paid $69 for mine before the cr** started flying) They are still a good bargin.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
I posted a problem in the Smithy Forum.

A friend couldn't reassemble the gas tube onto his SKS. Upon examination, I learned that the piston had peened the gas port (the barrel mounted unit) such that the tube didn't fit anymore. I removed the high spots with a file and gun was reassembled.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I have had one slamfire with one of my Norinco SKSs. It was at the range I loaded a mag full racked the bolt and BANG!. THe gun was clean had been shot many times before. This only happened once. They are very good guns, just as always be carefull.

PETE80 the SKS is not illegal yet here in California. The only illegal SKS are the one's with detachable magazines. And I dont think anyone in their right mind will register their guns or turn them in. I just received my SKS yesterday and I shot it, it reminds me of the M1 garand in a way, but with a foreing touch. My SKS is weird but beutiful, the metal finish is like a stainless steel finish, sort of like the color "gunmetal". Anyways it came with a 20" barrel, sling, manual, original 10rd.& 20rd. Chinese magazine, and a synthetic hogue rubberize type stock, and all matching serial(model) numbers. I am proud I purchase this firearm. I shot it and it did not give me any problems. I purchase different types of ammo and the best is the Wolf brand ammo. Anyways happy shooting everyone. See you later.
Ed, I have heard of individual SKSs having problems but I don't know of any generic problems with either the Chinese or the Russian. IMO, they are pretty good guns if left as is. Some of the magazine mods, aside from legality, don't work too well.

The Sunshine State banned the detachable magazine (AKM mag) version of the SKS.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
PETE80, the paratrooper model is still offered here in California. My local gun shop still carries it, actually they carry around 12 of them. And yes, the SKS with detachable mags are know illegal here in California. And the local and state governments are asking for anyone to turn them in by Jan.1, 2000 or you will have a felony and mistermeanor.
The only probs I have read about (on the internet before finding The Firing Line) are slam fires. They were mainly due to broken firing pins. In one case [NOTE : I HAVE NOT VERIFIED THIS. I can't remember where I found the story. It just stuck in my mind since I have an SKS also.] a guy loaded his SKS and it slamfired into full-auto. The rifle slipped from his grip, flew behind him and sent a few rounds into him. The accident was fatal.

I'm quite happy with mine. An incredible value.

- Ron V.

The firing pin in my SKS is not broken. The gun is cleaned every time it is shot. I shot this gun many times before and after my slamfire. This did not happen to my monkey's uncle's cousin, it happen to me. Granted my dog is the only one who was present and he doesn't talk much :)
