What pistol for IDPA?

Alex Johnson

New member
Hi everybody, I've been planning on shooting an IDPA match for the last couple of years, but now that I'm out of college and finally settled down with a good job I intend to try it out this summer. I know very little about this sport, are there links that talk about it. My favorite carry gun is a S&W model 60, though I also have a Kimber Ultra Carry, would either of these be suitable for IDPA? Thanks.

Alex Johnson
Either will work.

The Model 60 was designed for BUG (Back-Up Gun), or rather BUG was designed for the Model 60. You can only load 5 rounds in BUG.

As for the Kimber, you can shoot it in CDP (Custom Defensive Pistol) as I have my Colt OM, but you'd be at a disadvantage against the full sized 1911s.

So, if you're going to buy a gun just to compete, get a full size 1911. Kimber has several outstanding models.

Yr. Obt. Svnt.
Thanks for the info, I've been looking around for a full size 1911 for awhile and it would probably either be a Kimber or a Springfield that I would buy. How many people shoot the matches with revolvers, I have also been considering a S&W model 19 or a K-38. Thanks.
Give it a try with your little Kimber before you spend the money on a new gun. It will give you practice with your carry gun and let you get acquainted. Competitveness is not what it is all about, competence is. You can buy a match gun if you stay with it.

Revolver shooters run 10-12% of overall entries at most sizeable matches. I ran a friend through the Classifier with his M13 yesterday.
I regularly shoot a 4" S&W Model 19 in IDPA. I carry it in a Kramer vertical scabbard and use Safariland Comp II loaders in Talon Tactical speed loader holders. I use plated 158 grain reloads at +P velocity.
If you like wheel guns, go ahead and use one. It's fun to compete against others in SSR division. You will find some very fine revolver shooters in IDPA.
My advice is to shoot what you would most likely carry. I am a competitive person - but I don't think the point of IDPA is to be a "winner" per se. It is more of a way to test your skills in situations and target arrangements similar to those that would be common for self defense. So I would use the Ultra Carry if I had it with plenty of extra magazines... Just my .02
Just have fun

Alex, I agree with what PUMC and Jim Watson said. Shoot what you have. You can spend more money later. It's all about awareness and using what you would normally carry. I don't Custom class is for custom. The larger 1911's are great but I don't know that I'd agree with the Kimber statement of earlier. We had one go full auto last week at a IDPA match. I don't know if it was operator "tweeking" or if Kimber is getting sloppy in mass-production like Colt has. Anyway, find a local club that shoots IDPA, go talk to them and get the proper holster and mags, then go do it. If their like our club, the SO's will walk you through it and are great teachers. If not, find another club!
Before you buy a gun for the game, shoot what you have first. If you wanna stay true to the game, you'll shoot what you carry. If you want to get into the gamesmanship of it, shoot a couple matches, ask around, check out a few different models and get what suits your needs best. You never know, you might do best with what you already own.
Have fun!