Originally posted by Dead:
<I was just wondering what percentage of people in America either have NO clue or never heard of, what the Constitution and Bill Of Rights are about.
I would think that some of those numbers would be rather high (in my own mind).>
Some years ago I attempted to estimate
the % of population that made the War for
Independence possible. The absolute majority was indifferent, the next-size majority
wanted to avoid any troubles and inconveniences, and the next one after that
was inclined for the status quo to continue.
The people who have made the difference
were ~ 0.03%. Yeap, the dirty little secret
of numerical history. This number hardly ever
changed through millenia. The sheeple are
always and everyehere in the absolute majority, to the tune of ~ 99.97%. Shocking! can't possibly be true, right?
Since I can no longer recall my sources, let's look at the present. Say, the current US population is 250 million (it's a bit higher, but let's use round #s.) Thus,
5 million per state; .03% is 15,000 per state. Do you think there are 15,000 people
per state willing and ready to exercise their
God given rights to abolish the present tyrannical government? Enough said. My estimate, however absurdly small it appears, may be too high nevertheless.
Of course, the above rough calculation is not a proof. But look at the participants
of this forum, say (or other firearms forums), who should be naturally assumed to belong to that clear-minded .03%, right? Hah!
Always willing to calculate my chances