What New Executive Order Is On Hand?


New member
We have the "war on drugs" and now, days away from the new year our President is in closed door meetings with HIS National Security Advisors. Will we now have the "war on drugs", rolled into something we don't even want to know about?
Does anyone have a good heads up on what is going on today?
Try this:

Clinton Readies 50 State Emergency Declarations

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BP) -- Fifty declarations of emergency, one for each state, have been prepared for President Clinton to sign on New Year's weekend if regional computer glitches occur in the United States due to the "Y2K" problem.

"For the weekend beginning New Year's Eve, we have prepared 50 emergency declarations in case there is any scenario in which a local area's problems cannot be handled by local and state emergency personnel and a request for a presidential declaration of emergency is requested by a governor," said Mark Wolfson, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency told Baptist Press.

FEMA, based in Georgia, is responsible for coordinating the federal government's nonmilitary response to all national emergencies, such as those caused by acts of terrorism, war, hurricanes, tornadoes and disruptions of power or other necessary services which could be sparked by Y2K glitches related to computer's coping with the turn of the millennium.
That and the BRAND NEW terrorisim threats could make HIM[b/] King!

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited December 21, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited December 21, 1999).]