What Nation's Got it Better than Us?

No this isn't one of those 1960's admonishments, "If you don't like it here, why don't you try living in Russia".

It's a serious question. Is there a quiet, prosperous nation anywhere on this rock that has a track record for respecting the rights contained in our own Bill of Rights or are we the last holdout?
excellent post!

All things considered, I can't think of one.

As I recall, Amnesty International recently said that the U.S. was about the safest place to live in the world. (considering other places arresting/torturing/killing/disarming you for simply speaking your mind and etc.)

I have been all over the world, and enjoyed much of what I saw. However, If I lived in any of those other places, I would have to give-up some essential liberties. Once you have experienced a good dose of liberty, it is almost impossible to give it up. So be it.
we have it good here and dispute all the moaning and complaining that happens right here about our government, I think most of use realize it. But she do have the right to bitch and moan about thing we feel are unjust, I think it is our duty to complain
No argument from me. I'm just doing some research to find if someone has invented a "better mousetrap". Mine is not a rhetorical question.

If there are lessons to be learned, I want to study them.
Switzerland, yes. All it requires is that you marry a Swiss girl, live in the country for about 10 years, get someone outside your wife's family to sponsor you, prove that you have the resources to assure that you will never be on the public dole (no matter what misfortune, misdeed or illness might become you), have your name submitted to general referendum of the entire province and getc approved by election.
Voila! Instant citizenship! (No kidding)
looks like you've looked into it Rich. I figure if you want to live free live in a place with no government like antarctica. no governments to tell you want you can and can't do. get tired of the people just wlk for a like 10 minutes and you all by yourself.
Looks like I've offended. I didn't mean to.

I do know enough to know of the Swiss position, the Uraguay (Paraguay?) scam, the Belize "pot of gold", the Cayman trap and the like. These are fairly common knowledge. I wasn't baiting the question.

I *really* did post this thread to get real world feedback. I wasn't looking for a deserted island, but input on places where polite society understands and respects well meaning individuals.
Rich Lucibella

"We the People" was never intended to reference the collective.
Despite our problems, the good old US of A is still the best place to live. The very fact that we CAN bitch and moan about what we don't like proves it.

But, OTOH if the South would've won...... ;)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited February 26, 1999).]
Well, conditions in Switzerland could give us a run for our money and in ways exceed us. I have no desire to leave here though. One thing though...they don't have room for immigrants and their law reflects it. I just wish we could keep the welfare immigrants out.

I agree with Spartacus, inasmuch that despite the Swiss' dreadful attitute towards immigrants -which they are entitled to have, after all, it's their country- they hold access to firearms as a given thing.

I am quite sure, by the extent of your knowledge, that you are aware that barring a few reasonable provisos regarding handguns, the common Swiss citizen/national enjoys QUITE a bit of freedom in regard to firearms, which is all documented and common wisdom for the serious student of RKBA issues.

However, on a different note, what about Israel? I'm aware that Israel is a country under permanent siege, they even discuss it themselves all the time, but they do seem to be quite liberal in their RKBA provisions.

If one discounts -a BIG chunk of it!- Apartheid, then the old South Africa would probably qualify as well. I'm not sure of the current political climate and the status of their RKBA laws these days, though.

YMMV, and it should! ;)



Si vis Pacem, Para Bellum -- Audaces Fortuna iuvat
Interestingly, Jeff Cooper had forseen the changes in South Africa. What they had as a mildly fascist country which was quite comfy for some of the population. What they are getting now is closer to communism, comfy for fewer yet. Seems that their RKBA is gone, by and large.
Well until our Govt. had the bright idea that things would be so much better without semi-auto long guns, I thought Australia was pretty darn good !

Less crime, good wages, less polution, a real opportunity to "live" your life as you saw fit.

But the way things are going.... how did you guys KICK the English out ? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Rich: You're absolutely right...flawed as it is (at least since the 92 election) the US is hard to beat. I've been privileged to live in Asia, Central America and Europe during the course of my 20+ years of soldiering and I haven't found anything to compare. Of interest is the fact that both Norway and Canada are planning to push in the UN for a worldwide ban on sales of any types of firearms to private citizens. Sounds far fetched, but was reported in the current issue of American Handgunner. Canadian official (Foreign Minister, I think) reportedly said (I'm para-phrasing here) it was part of a new, worldwide humanitarian/social program or some such BS. That doe's it...I swear never to buy another six pack of Molsons or Labatts!


The thing you are referring to is noted abouve. Japan (which has a total firearms verboten) can't prevent some gun crime, so they blame it on other countries with more liberal firearm laws. So, they have a bill in the UN...Canada and Norway jumped on the boat.
See also:




"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited February 26, 1999).]
<a href="http://airnet.net/craig/g4c/" target="_new">A few interesting and, at the same time, depresessing rants</a>. I know this place is trying to outdo Russia, but reading it put so conceisely is still upsetting.
i'm with ya' Grayfox! What did Hank Jr. sing?
if the south would have won we'd have made :)
i saw a bumper sticker

fiat justitia


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited February 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited February 26, 1999).]