What muzzle loader should I get?

Looking to deer hunt with it next year. Someday I may try elk but for now I'll stick with my rifle on that hunt. I would like a long barrel for distance. I don't want to pay over $300. Less is better. I want easy loading, not too heavy. Inexpensive primers etc. Want to put scope on it. (red dot or 1X) Any suggestions. I really want to stay inexpensive but don't want junk. Good value.
If you want long range, go with a reproduction Civil War minie rifle. A decent one will shoot out to 500 yards. Mine is a Parker Hale (1st Generation) Enfield and I have a Parker Hale mold (made by RCBS).
Go To Bass Pro Shops.com and start shopping!!!!! Click on the Hunting link. I think its black powder or muzzelloaders. You`ll find it. SUPER Specials!! Well under $300 and you can pay with a credit card over 6 months! Good shopping and good Hunting.
Without offending anyone, all I can say is buy a Knight, TC, or a Remington. I started out cheap and it was the worst mistake I could have made. If you shop around a little, you should be able to find one of those brands for under $300. I have a Knight, and I love it. I had a Redfield scope on it for a while, but I recently switched to a peep sight, mainly because our Ohio ML season coincides with a lot of snow and sleet. Very annoying trying to keep your scope clear! Good Luck!
As 4V50 Gary stated. Go with a rifled musket, and make some paper cartridges using waxed paper.
The scope, a problem. And is it really needed.

Midway recently had CVA inline magnum .45's for $65 , I have one, it does very well up to 150 yds, past that , the drop is so much it is" hail Mary" shooting much past that unless you have practiced a lot at the longer ranges, have quick adjustable sights and a good laser rangefinder and plenty of time to do everything you need to do.
Don :)
OK, at THR I recommended a Lyman Great Plains. Here at TFL I suggested an Enfield.

Both are good.

The former is more traditional for hunting. The latter is used predominantly by reenactors. However, if you want range and umph, go modern. Go with the Enfield with the minie ball. I was shooting offhand with my Parker Hale Enfield at the range at Carson City. My target was a paper cup at 350 yards. I didn't hit the cup, but I consistently was getting a 6" group near it. If I adjusted my point of aim, I could have made that cup dance. Only the best riflemen could do that with a round ball rifle at that distance. With a minie gun, it's easier for amateurs like myself.

I have both and like both. But if we're talking strictly about one blackpowder long arm for hunting, I'll take the Enfield.
look at NEF huntsman or sidekick they cost about 130 to 150 dollars bran new there made in theUSA and are vastly superior in quality to the spanish made rifles CVA &traditions the NEF guns are real good shooters as good as any actually better than a lot of them and they are very stong rifles made on a smokless powder action (Topper shot gun) they wii last a life time
I am very disappointed in my NEF Sidekick.

If your goal is to simply increase the rifle season length, I would say try to increase your budget and get a T/C Encore or the Savage smokeless powder muzzleloader, if you state allows smokeless powder muzzleloaders, as mine does. Even if your state does not allow smokeless powder, you could still shoot black powder or BP substitute in the Savage. I've also heard a strong recommendation for the Optima rifle before, which is made by ???.

If your goal is to have a traditional, *primitive* hunting season, then look at one of the primitive style rifles.

4v50, if the Enfield rifles, etc., are that good, then wouldn't they perform even better with conical bullets instead of balls?
Savage 10MII

the savage should only be used by an experianced shooter these gun are dangerous in the wrong hands to the shooter these things have a documented history of vary serious safety problems I have been in the gun business 30 years build muskets locks stocks and barrels from scatch we have tested the savage rifle and came to the conclusion that the rifle is dangerous to the shooter and that is based on the fact that we had no problem blowing out the breech plug at our proof station I suspect that some body will really get hurt and savage will with draw the rifle and suffer from leagal problems as Far as the NEF Huntsman and side kick are excelent rifles thats not to say that some people are not happy with them the vast majoity of the customers that have bought them highly regard them and of 10 or so I have randomly tested I found them to be as good or better than most of the Modern inline rifles barring none very accurate and reliable and well made and inexpensive
My thouhts!

Good Day Northslope, Hope all is well with you today. Boy you really opened up a large can of worms here. Unfortunately with firearms you get what you pay for. This is never as true as in muzzleloaders. Many bargain products are documented accidents waiting to happen. You will be good money ahead if you stay with T/C’s, White’s, Austin & Halleck, and Savage. The 10ml is the safest muzzleloader you can buy anywhere for any price. This cannot be disputed. You might want to jump around to a few sites dedicated to its use and see what you think. Here are a few links you should enjoy!



Stop in and say hello!
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the savage should only be used by an experianced shooter these gun are dangerous in the wrong hands to the shooter these things have a documented history of vary serious safety problems I have been in the gun business 30 years build muskets locks stocks and barrels from scatch we have tested the savage rifle

The only thing you have said that has any basis is "wrong hands." All guns are dangerous in 'the wrong hands," as are telephone poles and hot coffee. :barf:

In the 14 year history of modern smokeless muzzleloading Henry Ball designed rifles, not one single breech plug has ever failed. That is inclusive of 129,000 PSI clinical testing.

In the last six consecutive years of Savage 10ML productuction and sales, no shooter has ever been injured, nor any bystander. It is the most overbuilt, safest muzzleloader ever made.

Only one muzzleloader is on the market that is 100% proof tested prior to shipment to the consumer: that is the Savage 10ML-II.

All Savage centerfire rifles have a designed in safety factor of WELL over 100% compared to required wall thicknesses as defined by Lame's Equation.

The Savage 10ML-II, specifically, has a designed in service factor of 250%. The barrel used on the Savage 10ML-II should look familiar-- it is their magnum barrel, the same barrel as used on their .458 WinMags married to the Savage short action. The same certified GBQ steel, the same rigorous testing and quality control. Apparently, you have never visited the plant in Westfield, MA where they are made. I have.

Despite the type I and current 10ML-II both having been proven to withstand 129,000 PSI without any damage-- no current Savage recommended load exceeds so much as 40,000 PSI.

It is the safest muzzleloader ever made. That's why I shoot one with great pride. That's why my 76 years young father shoots one. And that is also why Savage Arms CEO, Ronald Coburn, enthusiastically shoots and hunts with one as well. :o
Savage 10ML-II

Dang it IndianaHunter and Randy,
You guys beat me to it.
oconnell, I for one would love to see your data on the alledged Savage 10ML-II breech plug that you supposedly blew out. I want to see that loading data, as in: powder(s) used, charge weight(s), bullets size(s), bullet weight(s), primer(s), sabot(s), type of strain gage equipment, how that equipment was installed, the poressreu reading results, and photo evidence of the supossedly blown breech plug.

You can send it to me in an e-mail or PM. Thanks.
hey guys wait a mninuet

I have been to Savage Arms many times My brother worked there for years I have several freinds that work there and several that have retired from Savage arms I am well acquainted With savage arms All Have treid To point to is The M10mlII is not for people who have no experiance If many of the mistakes that are commonly made buy the inexperianced were made with regard to the Savage It will spell disasterThats what I tested for 250 gains mixed smokless powder taken out of 30 30 cartidges shotgun shells and no 556 cartridges and two bullets realy rocked the savage but it survived how ever when we loaded it with a double load one on top of the other we where unable to open the breech because the breech plug blew out The savage rifle is the strongest Muzzle loader on the market But can be broken buy some of common errors in muzzle loading and buy inexperianced people doing silly things Recomending the Savage rifle to the inexperianced person is Like Buying your teenaged son a new high powered sports car The savage is for the experianced muzzle loading rifleman Savage has come long way from the aufull junk that came out of Westfield in the 70s they now are one of the premire rifle makers in the country
If many of the mistakes that are commonly made buy the inexperianced were made with regard to the Savage It will spell disaster

It should be difficult for you to explain just how, now entering its 6th year of production, it never has. :rolleyes:
250 grains of mixed powder? Two bullets? And it didn’t blow up, Cool… Now for those of us who can read a manual and stay within factory loads we are good to go! All kidding aside it would appear this test validates the strength of our beloved firearm. Unfortunately that cannot be said for many of the lesser expensive imports that have flooded our shores and stores. Those have blown using book loads of black powder, Pyrodex, and 777 with many injuries documented. If you do not like smokeless powder muzzleloading, that’s fine. If you do not like Savage Arms, that’s fine too. I guess my final question is! Are you really Toby Bridges? :confused:
NO Iam not Tobby bridges but you clearly like your savage and that fine and if you are having good results that excellent I have conveved the results of a test wich was carfully and safely conducted I own one of these Savages as well and you are also right many of the inported rifles are some what questionable most american made rifles are good and alot better than the spanish booby traps that are flooding in when We read the report by person in question we decided since we were playing with several of these rifles we would see how much it can take well it will take alot but you can break it yes you really can there are several people out there really up set at this well I m sorry its only a rifle its not your first born What do you work for Savage arms the sales figures on that rifle are not indicitive of takeing over the muzzle loader market cva sold more spanish booby traps T/C sold more muzzle loaders dont see the smokeless powder taking over any time soon
We read the report by person in question we decided since we were playing with several of these rifles we would see how much it can take well it will take alot but you can break it yes you really can there are several people out there really up set at this well

Do you really believe that there is any consumer firearm made anywhere that cannot be 'broken' if misused? :confused:

Negligent use and intentional destruction of a firearm just takes no great rubbing together of braincells. :eek:
OK, oconnell, so let me try and get this straight. You state that:
what I tested for 250 gains mixed smokless powder taken out of 30 30 cartidges shotgun shells and no 556 cartridges and two bullets

So, you pulled the bullets on 30-30 Win. cartridges, 5.56 (.223 Rem.) cartridges, and cut open shotgun shells, and dumped the mixture of those powders, totalling 250 grains, down the bore, seated two bullets of undiscribed weight, then primed it and fired it? At this point I am very tempted to state some very harsh opinions about your mental capacity and IQ level.

Being that the breech plug and the 10ML-II did not let go all together is a testoment that Savage has come as close as anyone ever has to idiot proofing a firearm. Your own statements of your own irresponsible and unsafe actions, speak volumns of the strength and safety factor of the Savage 10ML-II.

I would strongly recommend that you take a both firearm safety and reloading safety courses. The life you save very well may be your own. Some people just should not be allowed own or handle firearms period.