What model is this?

Pond James Pond

New member
It's a S&W, but I don't know which one.

I must say, as revolvers go in this country, it's a stonking good price.

It also happens to be exactly the amount of money I don't have, but it doesn't hurt to know your market, in case the latter changes, but the former doesn't!!;)

Used S&W .357 4" for sale!!

(OMG!! I am seriously becoming very obsessed with revolvers!! They are sooooo cool!! :D)
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Just from the photo, which doesn't provide many clues, it looks like it's probably a Model 28. There were lots of 28's made over the years and the most common one seen hereabouts is the 28-2, which shows up at used gun counters fairly frequently. I own two, a 6" and a 4", and they're both fine revolvers. They're built on the N-frame and very robust handguns.
I would say thats a model 19, specifically a model 19-5 or later since it appears to be without a pinned barrel. It has a half lug, so it cannot be a 586 (I know some had a half lug, not with a 4in barrel IIRC)

The model 28 is a N frame, and has a taller cylinder window. The cylinder on a N frame appears massive whereas in this photo, the cylinder proportion seems reasonable compared to the rest of the gun. In addition, the standard model 28 hammer is a different profile than that one on the gun. The hammer on the gun is that of a standard K frame profile.