What minimum velocity for effective .45acp?


New member
I am contemplating the purchase of a short barreled M1911 pattern pistol.
It seems as though the best I could expect velocity wise would be about 850 fps from a 3 to 3.5 inch barrel.
What do you suppose is the minimum velocity necessary to achieve good penetration in a human agressor?

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I don't have any scientific daat, but in my opinion 775-800 fps. I do know about one relevant incident in which a shooting friend used his Colt Officer's Model loaded with hard ball. One acurate double tap resolved the problem instantly.
Just depends on what you are putting through it. Some of the new alloy bullets are putting out considerably more velocity then that. I do not want to get into another _issing contest on stopping power and mass/velocity, but a couple of alternative sites you might checkout are www.rbcd.net and www.aguilaammo.com. There is lots out there on the web concerning ballistics with more conventional ammo. Do a search and you can get a good deal of info-granted a lot of the info is for 4" and some 3.5". You can interpolate for 3" kimbers and colts and Paras. Range, bullet design, and intended medium of the target goes into bullet effectivness. We have come a ways since 900 fps was considered the minimum for effective expansion for hollow points. I don't know if there is one good answer other then good shot placement. If you find the answer, let us all know. Good luck!
When you get right down to it, its were ya put the bullet that counts, that oh so slim margin of "effectiveness" can easily be defeated by angle of the shot, clothing, bone, what ever is in the pockett, and most important were its placed.......and as long as the guy is a threat just keep shooting him.....anyway that just my 1/2cent....fubsy.
....One evening I was reloading some .45@230gn bullets, and I was barefoot I dropped one of the Bullets on my foot. velocity was about 5 fps. and it hurt like hell. I cant even Imagine being hit with it at 600-900 fps.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
Have heard from several sources that expansion is always iffy from a shortbarreled 1911. I think 230 grain hardball and shot placement make good sense in this case -- make two holes in the right spot and keep shooting til the threat is gone.